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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Facts & figures

About the sector The voluntary sector in Scotland is made up of thousands of charities, social enterprises,On this page you'll find up-to-date, reliable information and the key statistics about: The size and,shape of the Scottish voluntary sector Sector funding and finance The people who make up the voluntary,sector workforce in Scotland Data about the sector's organisations and people Size and shape In this,the numbers of paid staff in the sector top sector employers staff costs staff pay and Living Wage info

SCVO Research

Read more Facts & figures about the sector All the key stats on the size and shape of the Scottish voluntary,sector, from numbers of organisations to workforce data.,Read more Evidence library Find research relating to the Scottish voluntary sector.,Evidence library Latest research Latest posts about our research work.,I'm the key contact for the Sector stats.

Useful Facts & Stats

The following facts and stats may be of use or interest when discussing Fair Funding (all stats come,The Scottish Third Sector Tracker report on waves one to six shows that: From August 2021 to April 2023,costs and inflation continues to be the biggest challenge for organisations in the sector.,volunteer shortages; difficulties fundraising; financial and cash flow restraints; and uncertainty about,funding for the sector - the first asked respondents about the main features of good grant management


There are around 138,000 paid staff in the third sector in Scotland.

Canaries in the coal mine? ,What wave 9 of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker tells us, and where it has me asking questions

I love the Scottish Third Sector Tracker.,Having robust data to evidence the issues the sector is facing is absolutely key to shaping our influencing,From the most recent (wave 9) data, we know that four most prevalent issues the sector was grappling,Add in the stats on the number of organisations that saw a decrease or withdrawal of funding during this,I have some questions (but no answers yet) about how we might unpick them.

SCVO Briefing to Scottish Parliament: Programme for Government 2024/25

Government cover two areas and can be found here: Delivering Fair Funding by 2026 Transparent funding About,To find out more about the voluntary organisations in your constituency visit the Geographical information,About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national body representing,the voluntary sector (sometimes referred to as the third sector).,Find further details about SCVO at

Letter to Scottish MPs: National Insurance Contributions Bill

information for other MPs on the Geographical information section (pages 7-11) of SCVO’s State of the sector,voluntary organisations in Midlothian and across Scotland and have included some information below about,voluntary organisations do not find themselves out of pocket – as has already been promised to public sector,employers.Read more about the impact of the changes, including testimony from voluntary organisations.Every,I hope that I can count on your support to make the case for our sector.

SCVO Briefing Scottish Government debate: The UK Budget – Scotland’s Priorities

While we remain concerned about the impact of the public spending pressures on voluntary organisations,About the voluntary sector in Scotland The voluntary sector in all its diversity is a powerful force,SCVO’s State of the Sector statistics for 2023 are available online.,To find out more about the voluntary organisations in your constituency visit the Geographical information,section (pages 7-11) of SCVO’s State of the sector statistics.

Press coverage tips for charities

with media pros from Third Force News, BBC Scotland's The Nine and Edinburgh Dog and Cat Home to chat about,transparent – people can tell when you’re not being honest, whether it’s the press or publicThink about,An AGM won’t cut it – would you read a story about another organisation’s governance meeting?!,worth checking with the editors responsibleThird Force News (TFN) run regular op-eds from voluntary sector,possible – the journalist will follow up if necessaryMake it easy for editors to pick out key points like stats

SCVO State of the sector 2024 - key stats and data tables

Up-to-date, reliable information and the key statistics about The size and shape of the Scottish voluntary,sector Sector funding and finance The people who make up the voluntary sector workforce in Scotland,All data is available online via our interactive stats: All