membership benefits and support networks A strong community of voluntary organisations of all sizes Shape,all about their organisation.,all about their organisation.,We’d love fellow SCVO members and members of the public to join in some of our events to help support,Are you an SCVO member who'd like to feature in "Meet our members"? Head to My SCVO to let us know!
Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is looking for your help to create our new strategic,Or you might just follow us on social media.,Whatever your relationship and engagement with SCVO, your views matter and will help shape how we move,Defining SCVO’s strategic objectives SCVO’s overall aim is to help the voluntary sector achieve its ambitions,about delivering benefits.
Find out more about what’s happening across the UK at Trustees Week 2023.,and resources on good governance The Good Governance Checkup which will help you understand how well,Come along and help us debate how we should fix governance.,Use our good governance check-up to find out.,It asks a series of questions about your organisation and gives you a personalised action plan at the
governance, finance and managing people Village & community halls handbook Everything you need to know about,archive of useful templates, model policies & checklists Shifting Sands A support to planning for Scottish,Trustee Network With over 250,000 trustees across the country who help manage, shape and guide voluntary,specifically to board members Information Service The SCVO Information Service offers help for anyone,third sector in Scotland, we provide a data management and reporting platform known as Milo that is used
Our Development Officer, Maddie Stark, can offer support and advice to help tackle these challenges covering,making better use of digital tools?,Curious about the potential and pitfalls of artificial intelligence?,Digital Evolution Manager, John Fitzgerald, who can offer support and advice on topics including: Shaping,your digital strategy How to make strategic and responsible use of AI Using data strategically Managing
We want to say thank you to the 250,000 trustees across the country who help shape and guide voluntary,Your board can use the checkup to identify areas where you're doing well, check where you can improve,Use our Good Governance tool now Events With the support of CCLA Investment Management SCVO is hosting,self-assessment Good Governance Checkup can be used to help trustees regularly review and improve their,lots of tips and techniques to use digital tools to help future proof your board and ensure you can
Anna Fowlie, SCVO Chief Executive Welcome to the SCVO Impact Report 2023/24 This page tells you about,provides us with robust information about the challenges that are facing the sector.,Our members sit at the very heart of SCVO and play an active role in shaping our work.,objectives and feeling good about working for SCVO.,These findings were and continue to be pivotal in shaping SCVO's policy, digital, communications and
Your support and participation helps to keep the Gathering free to attend for our delegates and we simply,This page contains: Information about our aims for the Gathering 2025 and what we did to achieve themHighlights,Thank you to everyone who completed our post-Gathering evaluation, your opinions will help us to shape,Here are a few things that people told us they loved about the Gathering 2025 We know we didn’t get everything,Go to My SCVO
brought together dozens of digital pioneers in Glasgow to share inspiration and experiences, and to shape,How are cyber criminals using Artificial Intelligence?,This isn’t about grand theories—it's about making a real difference with quick, actionable steps that,“I don’t buy Nestle but I use Google and I need to do something about it” Dare to rethink how we engage,He and his team have helped thousands of charities to make strategic use of digital to serve their communities
At SCVO, we’re here to support you, promote the contribution your organisation makes and work towards,success, and ideas of lots of kinds of fundraising: Guide to finding funding Funding Scotland is SCVO's,SCVO members can access premium content and functionality: Funding Scotland Good governance Your management,We have lots of support to help you develop a great board, including: Guidance to help you you recruit,financesHow to be confident using digital, from working with staff to delivering servicesThinking about