Understand what is and what is not working – and make changes. Comms to share your story. ,This blog from Citizen’s Online explains the process they have developed.,This blog from SCVO highlights how we’ve adopted this approach and what we learnt from it.,Qualitative data "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted,: Writing a blog is a great way to take some time to reflect on your learning and share it with others
In addition, we receive project funding from Scottish Government for our work on digital inclusion.,SCVO support services (funding, digital, membership support, and information).,grant sponsors including a range of Scottish Government departments including Health and Social Care, Digital,It means that staff have received no pay rises in that time to meet the changing costs they face.”,Testimonials “Everything we do is dependent on funding, and amounts are often not confirmed until very
anonymised data You should also think about the repercussions of your data collection and underpin everything,A great place to start is with SCVO’s digital checkup tool.,This helps you assess your current digital maturity, benchmark how this compares to other organisations,others - there are great Data Lab case studies on the impact of harnessing data and Citizens Advice's blog,This blog shows a student placement can have a huge impact on how your charity uses it’s data.Data Lab
It’s hard to think of any event in recent times that’s galvanised change the way the coronavirus pandemic,At SCVO Digital we’ll be driving forward the work around digital skills and confidence, taking everything,“Once you realise that you do know basics and it is not that you need to know everything, I think more,Is it a family member or being more in control of their finances, hone in on that… don’t look at everything,My colleague John Fitzgerald recently published this blog on safeguarding and privacy which is a useful
They are catalysts for changing they way their organisation does things and provides services. ,A few sessions into this project we changed the running order of our surgeries.,We brought forward a session on fears and prejudices to give learners the opportunity to lay out everything,There are risks to being online, as there are risks to almost everything we do in the physical world.,Read his blog here.