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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Charity urges workers to ditch the desk and get active

Long-standing workplace initiative

Protest planned for Friday rejecting hospital’s royal title

​Protesters demand royal title is dropped from Scotland's newest hospital

Black History Month and beyond

Black History Month 2020 has ended, but as we leave October behind, there is a need to keep up the same

Struggling families hit hardest by lockdown

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation's annual flagship report reveals the issues millions of families face across the UK

Cost of living crisis: SCVO and Volunteer Scotland briefing for MPs

On 23 October, our organisations signed a joint letter to the UK chancellor ahead of the now Autumn Budget,In the first instance, the publication online of a clear policy statement relating to the impact on Work,The DWP have produced a policy statement on this issue but have not permitted its publication online.

Black History Month and beyond

The Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights (CRER’s) Kirsty McNeill looks back at the events of BHM2020

9 food for good outlets in Scotland

Whet your appetite and go to foodie heaven with our list of nine of the best ethical food and drink producers in Scotland

Supported self management is embedded in everything we do

Joanne Graham, director of service delivery at Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland, sheds light on the charity’s focus on supported self management

Digital is booming and charities are starting to join the revolution

Paul Cardwell looks at which charities are making the best use of digital technology to explore how your organisation can become more connected.

11 of the most romantic places in Scotland

As Valentine’s Day approaches, TFN has teamed up with Historic Environment Scotland to bring you some suggestions for romantic days out with your loved one.