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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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finding funding More support Our Information Service can answer your questions on all elements of setting up,Information Service Search for funding Funding Scotland gives access to up to date, high-quality information,grant At SCVO we manage funding programmes of our own and for other funders, including Scottish Government,Visit our grantmaking website to see what funds we currently have open for applications or to manage

25 questions charities are asking about AI in 2025

questions We’ve covered audience questions about the Caddy tool from Citizen’s Advice in a separate blog

Employer National Insurance Changes

has however also been an increase in the Employment Allowance that employers can claim, rising from up,to £5,000 to up to £10,500.,earning average sector salaries: most organisations with between 1 and 5 paid staff will likely end up,What have the UK Government said?,The UK Government have said that the Scottish Government will receive additional funding on top of the

Strengthening Scotland’s Voice in Europe

Rachel Le Noan blogs on the importance of the voluntary sector's voice in Europe, and how you can have,From Levelling Up to human rights and environmental regulations, voluntary organisations have experience,Constitution, Europe, External Affairs and Culture Committee has launched a consultation on the agreement (opened,that they ‘can contribute to the discussions at the UK and EU level that may take place in the run up

Policy network

Members can expect in person networking opportunities with fellow members and key stakeholders in government,Latest news & opinion The latest Policy network news and blogs.,manifestos, opportunities to meet political party researchers and other teams within parliament and government,Rachel Le Noan Leads our transforming the economy work and is responsible for SCVO's work on Levelling Up

SCVO response to Scottish Labour's Policy Forum

Keep up to date with election developments here.,The evidence we have collected, through bespoke engagement and backed up by the findings of the Scottish,360Giving data standard: the 360Giving Data Standard is a uniform and consistent way for funders to share open,Small charities (under £100,000 and new charities) make up 80% of the charity sector, but account for,contribution to Scotland’s economy: in 2024 the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe) published a blog


Our policy pages set out our work with the Scottish and UK governments, and other public bodies.,The network is open to anyone in an SCVO member organisation either working in or with an interest in,procurement Contact Rachel Le Noan Leads our work on the economy and has responsibility for Levelling Up

Campaign launched to save city’s adult entertainment venues

Petition is in reaction to Scottish Government

The door is open - now we need to push it a bit further 

CCPS CEO Rachel Cackett reflects on the disappointments and successes of the 4 Steps to Fair Work campaign – and what its emerging movement can do next in its fight for social justice

Government must stop trying to gag charities

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) says civil society has the right to criticise bad government