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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Response to Social Justice and Social Security Committee Pre-budget Scrutiny: Third sector funding principles

Little progress has been made.,Too many organisations across Scotland have contended with years of real-terms cuts to their funding,need to look at all available funding options and apply to lots of different organisations would be,to subsidise government funding to pay the Real Living Wage.,ask for different levels of reporting….

SCVO response to Scottish Labour's Policy Forum

at least the Real Living Wage and paying uplifts for voluntary sector staff at least on par with those,There are a host of improvements that could be made to procurement and commissioning in Scotland – not,Information Centre (SPICe) published a blog on the economic contribution of the sector.,Different public bodies have different attitudes to engaging with voluntary organisations.,regulation We work across the voluntary sector and beyond to ensure that regulation-related decisions are made

Perfect storm could sink charities as living wage kicks in

​Charities could go to the wall as they struggle to meet rising demand, lower income and a new pay stipulation

Charities provide “whopping subsidy” to Scottish Government wages policy

Social care charities say local authorities are not paying the full price of social care and expect charities

Cost of living crisis: SCVO and Volunteer Scotland briefing for MPs

The situation will continue to worsen without a fair deal on funding and other tailored support for Scotland,to Scotland’s voluntary sector and over £1 billion of indirect funding to the sector through local authority,are facingany funding that does not rise with inflation will lead to real terms cuts, and further cuts,will consider the different aspects of vulnerability that organisations experience.,As with donations, any funding that does not rise with inflation will lead to real terms cuts, and further

SCVO response to the inquiry into Public Administration – Effective Scottish Government decision-making

I think that's slightly an avoidance strategy so we don’t have to talk about the real stuff, about trust,Decisions made about Scotland’s future must be designed with us and our beneficiaries in local and national,As Sheghley Ogilvie from SCVO explained in a blog post last year: ‘I’ve often heard the Programme for,When decisions relating to funding are made, this can often slip into the new financial year.,Even when a decision is made, organisations are often left waiting months for the payment of funds to

SCVO response to Building Community Wealth consultation (Scottish Government)

economic factors on a level footing with cost in contract arrangements; include resources to pay the real,Government's Programme for Government, could play a role in learning, collaboration, and ensuring progress is made,Guidance is needed to ensure different pieces of legislation and the five pillars are working together,People want to know what it looks like, what are the benefits, what difference it has made, and what,Fair Work, including the real Living Wage, for this essential workforce should be a priority.

A failure in co-production

of small local groups working together to redesign local services, Edinburgh council wants to give the

#ChristiePlus10: Radical Scotland? Not yet, but we can be if we choose.

#ChristiePlus10: a series of expert blogs reflecting on ten years since the publication of the Christie

Charities: Programme for Government a “missed opportunity”

The Scottish Government has missed an opportunity to tackle food poverty and its attendant problems,