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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Data ethics, risk, and privacy

Informed consent: If you use people’s data, need a ‘lawful basis’ to do this.,If you are asking someone to share some of their details, it should be clear why you are doing this.,Data and statistics can be powerful when they are established as facts, so take care when you present,Here are a few key steps to take: Educate and support team members who are working with data on how to

Real people’s stories can transform health care

Audrey Birt's own blog reveals the challenges of facing cancer and through it she has also has discovered

DigiNext event content and speaker videos

Whether it’s improving a service, rethinking a process or doing user-testing.,“I don’t buy Nestle but I use Google and I need to do something about it” Dare to rethink how we engage,And you can check out this blog post for more of our thinking on what you need in a good digital strategy,Julie Wilson-Dodd Julie is a transformation consultant who works with charities to help them modernise,and creating connections.Most recently Sabrina has been working in NEoN Digital's Radical Digital Care


What can and can’t charities do in the run-up to an election?,There are rules that apply around charities doing political campaigning that apply at any time.,In practice, this means that care should be taken when making announcements or taking decisions that,parties for the details of how to engage in their manifesto development processes, and will share them as we,communities to take part in the general election In your work with communities, particularly those who

Employer National Insurance Changes

We estimate that this will cost the voluntary sector in Scotland as a whole around £75m.,large part-time workforce on lower wages - such as often seen in parts of the sector such as social care,We want to see a commitment from both the UK and Scottish Governments to mitigate the impact of the increased,Here's what we're doing: working with our sister organisations in England, Wales and Norther Ireland,organisations already share information on the increased costs they’ll face next year: What can my organisation do

Do we need 1,000 social care bodies for 5.3m people?

Theresa Shearer says the foundations the social care sector in Scotland are built on are cracking and the sector must start talking about change

SCVO response to Scottish Labour's Policy Forum

The Committee concluded that the existing procurement landscape “is causing a barrier to those who may,Collaborative Commissioning and Commissioning for Outcomes: the Coalition of Care and Support Providers,Over half of all voluntary organisations are involved in Social Care, Culture and Sport, or Community,Information Centre (SPICe) published a blog on the economic contribution of the sector.,Public Service Reform in Scotland: how do we turn rhetoric into reality?

Sector's role in the economy

We bring innovative solutions, uphold human rights, support the most vulnerable, engage in prevention,We need to be considered equally alongside the private and public sectors. Why?,seem so enthusiastic about the prospects of a wellbeing economy, any hope of solving the challenges we,We are all interdependent.,v=ocOi5Ddhk9Q Latest news & opinion The latest sector's role in the economy news and blogs.

Response to Finance and Public Administration Committee Pre-budget Scrutiny: Managing Scotland’s Public Finances – A Strategic Approach

Through direct provision of public services in areas like social care and youth work, or working with,For example, The Coalition of Care and Support Provider in Scotland (CCPS) cite a 20% pay gap between,NHS support workers and voluntary sector social care support workers who are starting out in their career,University found that fewer than half of respondents feel that they are fairly paid for the work that they do,ensure the Scottish Government’s Fair Work First policy is funded and that voluntary organisations do

The door is open - now we need to push it a bit further 

disappointments and successes of the 4 Steps to Fair Work campaign – and what its emerging movement can do