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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Rethinking Greenwashing and Digital Inclusion 

Transparency and Tools for Change Fortunately, SCVO’s Growing Climate Confidence initiative provides,Practical tools, such as the Climate Checkup, help organisations assess their environmental impact and,These resources foster critical consciousness, empowering organisations to take authentic climate action,into how digital innovation can support both climate adaptation and mitigation.,the tools to avoid greenwashing and engage authentically in climate action.

Growing Climate Confidence: what we've learnt

It’s been a year since we launched our Growing Climate Confidence project.,most voluntary sector organisations are struggling to take action to reach net zero We created the Climate,We created a scorecard as a climate check-up but people find it demoralising to get a low score Much,to expand the programme in the years ahead, and we'll be reflecting on how we can make change and climate,crisis… the majority have no policies to reduce their own emissions or achieve net zero.

Climate Emergency Training:  How Scotland’s voluntary sector is rising to respond to the risks, responsibilities

Services Manager for environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful, reflects on the importance of Climate,The session focused on support to help the third sector tackle climate change, and we were inspired to,see so many people attend, and to answer questions about our Climate Emergency Training.,Our training: is tailored to the Scottish context; covers climate science and causes of climate change,Find out more about Climate Emergency Training on our website here.

A Good Thing CIC: sending less to landfill and more to a good cause across Scotland

A Good Thing CIC is a non-profit online platform that connects charities right across the UK with businesses that have ‘stuff’ to give away. We launched our pilot in the Thames Valley in 2021, and since then have been building our community of users right across the UK. We have...

Climate confident: Charity investments and net zero

Climate change has become a particular focus of responsible investment approaches in more recent years,This summer, the news has been bringing us nearly daily reminders that climate change impacts are here,There are lots of ways that Scottish charities can play their part in responding to the climate crisis,For those charities who have made commitments to act on climate, this report offers help and examples,Nick Perks is a freelance charity and philanthropy consultant, and co-author of Climate Confident: Charity

Little green shoots? Digital inclusion and the circular economy

sometimes feel about what I can, should and do to prevent the fiery death of humanity because of the climate,crisis.,At SCVO, one of our key organisational priorities is recognising and responding to the climate crisis,Donating old tech and buying second-hand are things that we can all do to work towards more climate conscious

How we’re helping to lead Scotland’s third sector towards a net zero future

We know that learning about climate change and net zero can be overwhelming – there's so much to read,That’s why we created the Growing Climate Confidence website and pulled together resources that we think