You may buy your payroll or IT service from us, participate in Community Jobs Scotland or share space,You might receive funding from one of the grants we disburse or access information from Funding Scotland,or our information service.,Membership We are conscious that our role as a membership organisation has been subject to a great deal,And we will feedback on those discussions and how they have informed where we get to.
Contact the Information Service Find out more about: Reserves Business planning Mergers and collaborative,to deal with things as they are, but we’re also always working closely with government, funders and,Our members have access to exclusive services and support including: Free legal advice Free tax and VAT,advice Framework agreements – a collective way of purchasing and tendering open to SCVO members and,voluntary organisations Our SCVO partners provide discounted services and goods to SCVO members, covering
Remember to
communicate, where applicable, what you are doing to prepare with your staff
and volunteers, service,There are a several sources of information for voluntary sector organisations.,our #EUareValued campaign we are encouraging organisations to ensure their staff, volunteers and service,Citizens Advice have a free and impartial helpline service – 0800 916 9847 - for EU citizens resident,SCVO campaigned against a no deal Brexit If you are an SCVO member our Professional Networks can help
emotions may be displayed differently for different people so take some time to think about how you might deal,Do you have a counselling service for employees to access?,wider public interest in the closure of your organisation, you could also be approached directly by members,It should include: a headline some information about the predicament the charity is in a quote or two,Dealing with media interest can be overwhelming.
Visit the HMRC website for more information.,Visit the Charity Retail Association for more information.,Earn (PAYE) and National Insurance Contributions (NIC) by making deductions on behalf of HMRC (which deals,A committee member of a voluntary sector organisation is not liable for tax on expenses or benefits.,SCVO has a Free Tax and VAT advice service provided by Azets
v=UlooStgKZG0 Information, resources and support We created an online Coronavirus Third Sector Information,There's more information about the work of our support services in the ‘Support Services’ section on,Through our Information Service we provided information on how to set up and run voluntary organisations,a review of our Information Service and our events, learning and training offera comprehensive brand,are: To progress a safe return to the workplace for SCVO staff and tenantsTo support the sector to deal
As with any business transaction, it is important you get the best deal for the organisation and follow,SCVO members with an income of less than £500,000 can access the SCVO Free Legal Advice Service on all,Does it cover insurance and service charges?When is it payable?,The organisation may not have to pay for any work, but it might disrupt its service.,More information The Ethical Property Foundation advises charities and community groups on property issues.The
need to raise any issues, women in this situation may not wish to disclose this kind of personal information,be clearly established within an organisation, such as a welfare officer who is fully trained in dealing,similar issues, which could be implemented through awareness groupsProvide access to counselling services,responding to issues associated with the menopauseLiaise with third-party organisations for further information,Keeping the employee informed of the actions that are being taken will help to address their concerns