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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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As with any business transaction, it is important you get the best deal for the organisation and follow,SCVO members with an income of less than £500,000 can access the SCVO Free Legal Advice Service on all,take out a mortgage or loan secured against your organisation’s property or land, but you should get legal,advice to ensure the loan is needed, is used for an activity that fits with your aims and objectives

Cost of living & the #RunningCostsCrisis

find new sources How to look after your staff Policy & influencing We’re giving you information to deal,Our members have access to exclusive services and support including: Free legal advice Free tax and VAT,advice Framework agreements – a collective way of purchasing and tendering open to SCVO members and,voluntary organisations Our SCVO partners provide discounted services and goods to SCVO members, covering,watch the recording. Work and news from the sector Read about other members

Sharing the news of a closure

There are legal requirements when employees are facing redundancy – you need to know what your legal,You can contact the SCVO HR Service for more help and advice.,emotions may be displayed differently for different people so take some time to think about how you might deal,wider public interest in the closure of your organisation, you could also be approached directly by members,Dealing with media interest can be overwhelming.

Useful contacts

Circular Communities Scotland Community Land Scotland Community Land Scotland is a member-based organisation,Community Fund Scottish Rural Action (SRA) SRA supports the rural movement in Scotland, working with our members,Property Help – Expert Property Advice For Charities Heritage Fund the largest funder of UK heritage.,Provide advice, deals and audits.,| Home Registers of Scotland responsible for keeping public registers of land, property, and other legal

The Economy

and information Members of SCVO have access to the Goodmoves salary guide to help benchmark salaries,considering winding up your organisation, the SCVO guide to closing down a charity contains useful advice,and guidance SCVO members may be entitled to up to 1 hour of free advice from the Wylie Bisset Group,This free service is available to members with an income of under £500,000.,Members can receive advice on various areas of financial management, including audits, reporting and

How to escape the charity audit headache

An auditor has a great deal of work to do to meet the growing body of audit standards which apply.,If you’re an SCVO member and would like to access up to two hours of free legal advice to help explore

Get more bang for your buck with the right charity bank account

Tracey Bird gives some advice on how to make charity banking as stress free as possible

Safety fears as charity subjected to vile, hate filled attacks

An acclaimed charity has revealed the horrific levels of abuse it has received – leaving organisers and volunteers worried about their safety

EXCLUSIVE: Union makes legal bid to force charity to cooperate

A union is taking legal advice in an unprecedented bid to force a major care charity to cooperate in