Scotland We celebrated 10 years of Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) – one of the country’s most successful,to employment.,In 2021/22, we created and filled a further 491 CJS jobs, bringing the total number of jobs created over,. 84% of CJS placements reported as successful 93% of employers said CJS brought value to them 56.9%,devices enabled us to combat isolation while helping the most vulnerable to access services that had moved
Graeme, 28, is a former CJS employee who worked with CJS employer Scottish Sports Futures.,What was the process of getting a job through CJS like?,The benefits of my CJS job were endless!,From leaving SSF, I am beginning a job as an Employability Project Worker with Link Group.,I am moving to a charity that helps people gain vital skills through employment.
And so, it was, ending up in hands of an independent charity, The Auchindrain Trust.,Scotland (CJS) programme, which has worked well for us, and we have supported 21 trainees in that time,the Kickstart scheme, our objective is to make sure that by the time they leave us (after a year with CJS,What we can do however, is to make sure that a young person has moved into a place where they understand,the amount of time we put in to supporting, educating and training them, and then in helping them move
Jobs Fund etc).,and with initial funding provided by The National Lottery Community Fund) SCVO is currently setting up,Evidence from Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) programme[3], suggests that many employers and employees ,As an example, at a CJS event earlier this year employers cited confidence as the biggest barrier for,In February 2020, the CJS team from SCVO organised a session attended by 87 employers and employees from
No We have proposed applications for Job Grant can be made 14 days in advance of the employment start,date and up to 14 days after employment has commenced.,(CJS) employees.,Application Period: CJS employees felt that being able to apply for the grant up to 4 weeks after the,they move from a CJS position to a permanent job.