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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO's Response to Scottish Government's Rural Delivery Plan Consultation

A Vision for Rural Scotland The purpose of this vision is to clarify the long-term goal and the overarching,Do you agree with the proposed strategic objective for social justice?,Comment on the proposed strategic objective for social justice As indicated in questions above, there,Particularly in rural areas, community transport and social enterprises form a significant part of the,Comment on the data indicators for social justice Again under this objective, it is imperative to have

SCVO response to FoI Reform Bill consultation (Katy Clark MSP)

aim of maintaining and strengthening people's access to information rights… Developing the right strategy,Developing the right strategy to achieve this must find a balance that protects voluntary organisations,Our long-term call for an independent review of charity regulation in Scotland is a sign of our commitment,As an example, the STUC's report, 'Profiting from care: Why Scotland can't afford privatised social care,The recent addition of Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) under the Freedom of Information (Scotland)

SCVO response to Access to Information Rights consultation (Scottish Government)

aim of maintaining and strengthening people's access to information rights… Developing the right strategy,Our long-term call for an independent review of charity regulation in Scotland is a sign of our commitment,As an example, the STUC's report, 'Profiting from care: Why Scotland can't afford privatised social care,The recent addition of Registered Social Landlords (RSLs) under the Freedom of Information (Scotland),voluntary organisation's approach to these issues, who have little room to manoeuvre with their future strategies

Holyrood 2021: what the voluntary sector wants

TFN's guide to charity election manifestos

Opposition Debate on Procurement (S5M-10962)

(S5M-10962) SCVO briefing 13 March 2018 Summary • Procurement can be a force for good, improving social,, and to use procurement to build social justice.,recommendations in that document could still be implemented in order to create a first class procurement strategy,in Scotland., Tel: 0131 474 8000 Web: References [1]

Analysis of Scottish Government Programme for Government

and detail on how the Scottish Government aim to embed prevention to improve outcomes and ensure the long-term,Justice The First Minister outlined plans to introduce four justice Bills in the next year, these are,Community Justice Scotland will become operational in April 2017 and has the role of providing leadership,Social Enterprise The Scottish Government outlined plans to maintain Scotland’s world leadership in social,The publication of an International Social Enterprise Strategy which will support an increase in the

Scottish Government: Taking Scotland Forward – Scotland’s Economy, Short Term Resilience and Long Term

guiding principle behind any vision for Scotland.,Income, Regional and Social Inequality SCVO considers that any future Scottish Government economic strategies,should focus on using the economy, and the wealth it creates, to tackle Scotland’s endemic social, health,Therefore, we need strategies that strengthen all of our local, regional and national economies.,justice and contribution discussion paper.

Reference briefing: Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy

Any labour market strategy which aims to simultaneously promote employment and social justice, must also,Tailored approaches are needed; people shouldn’t have to wait to become long term unemployed in order,The social contract which has governed our welfare state in the post-war era appears out-dated in the,There must be some integration of the strategy and the new employability service in Scotland.,justice.