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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO response to Scottish Labour's Policy Forum

Whoever forms the Scottish Government after the next Scottish Parliament election must go further, incorporating,The current and next Scottish Government, post-2026, must prioritise addressing this.,SCVO has long called for the Scottish Government to make improvements to funding data to support voluntary,Public Service Reform The current Scottish Government has embarked on a programme of public service reform,We await the Scottish Government’s analysis of the consultation, as well as the next steps it intends

SCVO response to the Finance and Public Administration Committee's National Performance Framework inquiry

SCVO has been a long-time supporter of the National Performance Framework since its inception in 2007,As part of establishing the Scottish National Investment Bank (SNIB), the Scottish Government developed,the Scottish Government on the NPF and whether similar tools are deployed.,Such tools should not be viewed as an exercise in form-filling but rather to help policymakers think,The committee may wish to consider the Programme for Government 2021-2022 commitment to introduce a new

SCVO representation to the UK Spending Review

Re-centralisation of the fund post-Brexit would be a backward step.,Priorities The UKSPF should aim to support the Scottish Government’s aims as set out in the Programme,for Government and complement the actions published in the Scottish Government’s Economic Recovery Implementation,the UKSPF should be devolved to Scotland and allocated based on regional need or on a place-based analysis,The Industrial Strategy, in its current form, has too narrow a focus on blunt productivity measures.

Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee - Procurement Reform

SCVO has responded to the call from the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee’s for views on the post-legislative,The agreement between Scottish Government and COSLA to award a 3.3% increase to cover living wage increases,has enabled some smaller voluntary sector organisations to form joint bids for contracts.,SCVO has long advocated that organisations who want government support must offer proper contracts, end,Government’s Fair Work First initiative.[5] Process and guidance What steps is the Scottish Government

Third Sector Forecast 2019

: Third Sector Stats Our recent analysis,cuts as a key challenge and 27% as a secondary challenge 88% of respondents currently access some form,I'd like to see funders and government (local and Scottish) take more account of the fact that these,Public sector/ local authority cuts “One key challenge is that funding from the Scottish Government and,and no signs of improvement” “Recruitment and retention as the rise in the Living Wage devalues our posts

Developing this website

to set up and run a charity by our information service, and finding out about the employability programmes,SCVO has a long history with an online presence - over 19 years.,The following is an analysis of audience types by our Communications team: There are four main audience,Includes non-sector visitors interested in our employability programmes make up a large proportion of,Influencing governments on behalf of the third sector.

Devolved Employability Programmes: A third sector critique

Government posed issues when designing the new employability programmes.,too late to inform the post-2018 programme which is somewhat disappointing.,We would welcome analysis of how this could work in Scotland.,We would be happy to connect Scottish Government to third sector organisations utilising progression,Conclusion The third sector in Scotland welcomes the ambitions promoted by Scottish Government and we

Analysis of Scottish Government Programme for Government

We appreciate that analysis does show tax gains in other areas of the economy, however, our members may,expect this analysis to be founded on solid data.,Government aim to embed prevention to improve outcomes and ensure the long-term viability of health,It has been suggested that Scottish Civil Society, in conjunction with the Scottish Government may wish,Conclusion The Scottish Government’s Programme for Government 2016-17 is, by its very nature, a weighty

Contributing to society and the big #employability debate

"People contribute to society in different ways at different times of their lives" The Scottish Government,This includes responsibility for the Work Programme for long-term unemployed, Work Choice for people,Both the UK-wide Work Programme and Scottish Government’s current approach to employability have been,Our analysis is that far too many people get left behind.,We hope as many people and organisations as possible will push the Scottish Government and others for