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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO's Response to Scottish Government's Rural Delivery Plan Consultation

A Vision for Rural Scotland The purpose of this vision is to clarify the long-term goal and the overarching,They are run by volunteers and depend largely on fund-raising and public donations.,This is usually as a direct result of short-term funding arrangements and late confirmation of funding,for posts.,A good example of this is The Reuse Consortium that is working with the public sector on developing a

SCVO response to the inquiry into Public Administration – Effective Scottish Government decision-making,(Finance & Public Administration Committee)

Organisational profiles: funding and public sector relationships: in 2021 SCVO commissioned an independent,, specifically in relation to funding and relationships with the public sector.,partners requires attention: ‘Third sector organisations felt that public sector organisations were,Exploring options for resourcing engagement, particularly where this is a long term and time intensive,sector awards funding to the third sector can create a power imbalance, with the public sector being

Help inform a multi-year spending review that delivers for Scotland’s voluntary sector

use this time to rally together to secure a spending review that delivers for Scotland’s voluntary sector,In recent weeks, SCVO responded to the Scottish Parliament’s Finance and Public Administration Committee,cycle on your organisation and why government must invest for the long-term.,needs to look like to give you greater financial and planning certainty, will go a long way.,For those wanting to add a line to support SCVO’s submission, we will be posting a final version on our

Holyrood 2021: what the voluntary sector wants

TFN's guide to charity election manifestos

Coronavirus, next steps & communities

SCVO briefing to the Scottish Parliament - Debate: COVID-19 Next Steps (Communities) SCVO briefing -,was a welcome recognition that without the voluntary sector, public authorities would not have been,demand: There is a need for funding to meet the expected increased demand on the sector post-lockdown,voluntary sector – to form a fairer, more inclusive model of recovery that prepares us for economic shocks,Sector specific Balanced relationships: Public bodies and the voluntary sector must work together to

Scottish Government Debate – Contribution of EU Nationals

freedom of movement could see an exodus of Principal Investigators (PIs) – individuals who secure funding,members will receive different statuses.Pre-settled status will be an option to those can’t prove how long,re-emerge if they still have no documentation after five years and the scheme is closed.The application form,Citizen Rights The Human Rights Consortium Scotland (HRCS) have developed a series of briefings covering,However following the publication of a new WhitePaper on immigration this freedom will be curtailed and

Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee Inquiry on Scottish Government Draft Budget 2019-2020

fail to discourage ‘parking and creaming’, and will also see small providers, subcontracted, waiting long,private sectors benefit (whilst the private sector gain Modern Apprenticeships, the public sector gains,additional funding through the Barnett formula).,There is no parity of esteem in terms of the treatment of the public and third sectors.,given the precarious year-to-year funding of many organisations.

Key promises show the sector can deliver the change Scotland needs

Freedom of Information legislation to cover all organisations providing services on behalf of the public,SCVO welcomes these announcements and the Government’s willingness to look at the long term future of,the charity sector.,Here is a brief rundown of some other eye-catching announcements: Child Poverty & Social Security Carers,million per year Scottish Land Fund.

Scotland’s charities fear Brexit economic shock

spending, charity funding and public donations. 81% are worried about advances in human rights and equalities,SCVO Director of Public Affairs, John Downie, believes it is time for the voice of the voluntary sector,From funding for medical research to the sustainability of the health and social care workforce, there,The voluntary sector needs to be heard as Brexit negotiations go forward.”,A full briefing on the survey is available on the SCVO website. ENDS.

Budget and local authority round-up

How much has the third sector got? Is the money going into any exciting new funds?,lots of time monitoring outcomes after receiving funds.,These have, of course, had impacts on our sector.,Public service reform The notion of public service reform is of particular interest to our sector.,John Swinney, spoke about it at the recent SNP conference, not just in terms of education (his other brief