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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO Briefing - Scottish Labour Employment Debate

New powers over social security and employment programmes are on the table alongside an energised population,post-referendum, and a confident and respected parliament and government.,This is a feature of the evidence submitted to the Welfare Reform Committee’s inquiry into the future,of social security delivery.,[iv] A Widening Gap: Women and Welfare Reform, Engender (2015).

Scottish Affairs Committee Inquiry: Work of the Scottish Affairs Committee

Introduction SCVO welcomes the Committee’s call for views on its future work programme and how the Committee,The Welfare Reform Committee has hosted a number of very successful and powerful roundtable sessions,response to the Smith Commission and SCVO's work priorities: Social Security & Employability Social,This demonstrates the Committee’s interest in, and ability to examine, the effects of social security,In particular the Committee could consider: The impact of welfare reform on third sector organisations

SCVO briefing - do the right thing: save the Human Rights Act

The Public Bodies Act, the Welfare Funds (Scotland) act and so on.,SCVO has recently called for key human rights principles to underpin all legislation and work driving,Let’s be proactive and ensure key rights to social security and an adequate income drive how future welfare,Lastly, the planned cuts to social security announced in the UK budget must lead to action from all key,In this context, it is important to point out that the impact of austerity and welfare cuts on women

Call for Evidence, Welfare Reform Committee - The Future of Social Security

Reform Committee.,Moreover, current and future reforms e.g. continued transfer to Personal Independence Payment (PIP) are,Impact of Welfare Reform and Work Bill We would like to raise concerns with the Committee about the potential,SCVO’s “Positive Principles” paper and the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform.,Key Messages/Conclusion Throughout our work with the sector in examining the future of social security

Creating a Fairer Scotland: Employability Support - SCVO Response

Introduction As Scotland prepares for the devolution of social security and employment powers, the third,on the link across devolved budget areas as well as with reserved social security.,Indeed, as highlighted by Inclusion Scotland during evidence given to the Welfare Reform Committee, isolation,The key here is to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to each citizen,how we implement the new employment support (and social security) powers.

Welfare Funds (Scotland) Act Regulations and Guidance consultation

The Fund might be regarded as a foundation stone of a Scottish Social Security system; as such it must,, if the planned £12 billion of cuts included the Welfare Reform and Work Bill go ahead.,Creating more local networks to bring together expertise on welfare reform.,Conclusion This Fund is a foundation stone for a Scottish social security system.,security and not "welfare".

Response to Welfare Reform Committee Inquiry on Women and Welfare

There is an increasingly strong evidence base demonstrating the disproportionate impact of welfare reform,the Welfare Reform Committee to: “… consider these wider, contextual issues….to take into account the,by welfare reform, along with a strong desire to see a more stable and supportive social security safety,As the Welfare Reform Committee takes forward this inquiry, we urge its members to connect its work to,[iv] SCVO response – Health and Sport Committee call for evidence, Carers (Scotland) Bill.

Welfare Funds (Scotland) Bill, Stage 1 Debate

Responding to Stage 1 report We welcome the depth and detail in the Welfare Reform Committee’s consideration,Sadly, the debate about social security remains deeply negative and political leadership is necessary, [ii],sites/default/files/CPAG-scotland-swf-call-for-evidence-response-Aug-14.pdf [iv], [x]

SCVO briefing: Scottish Government debate on welfare - 12 November 2014

The human costs of welfare reform The sector has been at the forefront of dealing with the fall out of,reform on the sector.,security safety net, have been partly behind a strong call to see further powers over benefits transferred,Further Devolution Many third sector organisations have a called for full or partial devolution of welfare,SCVO has called for the full devolution of welfare – excluding pensions.

An Economy for All report #economyforall

Then the Government started a programme of austerity measures and welfare reforms.,In contrast, what we call ‘properly valued’ work is work which is secure, satisfying, paid at a sufficient,Some Empirical Evidence, Easerlin (1974).,[xxxvi] See, for example, Scotland’s Economic Future Post-2014 Submission to the Scottish Government,[xlvii] Evidence submitted to the Scottish Parliament's Expert Working Group on Welfare, Miller, (2013