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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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What are the Scottish Government and Parliament’s Tax and Spending Options?

Ministers are cautious around new tax powers and this, alongside political dynamics and long-term demographic,They know that if Scotland, with its new powers, could now grasp the nettle and move beyond tweaks to,Plus, the Scottish Parliament now has power to introduce any new tax (and, indeed, any new benefit in,relation to the environment, as SCVO has discussed previously – see, for example,,Appendix [1] [2]

Analysis of Scottish Government Programme for Government

New Powers In her opening remarks, the First Minister placed emphasis on the fact that her statement,coincided with a new parliament with new powers at its disposal.,Four new Bills in the legislative programme will see these powers used for the first time those are:,Railway Policing Bill – to confer railway policing power on Police Scotland and the Scottish Police Authority,The Labour Market Strategy will be taken forward and, using new powers, employment tribunal fees will

Scottish Government: Taking Scotland Forward – Scotland’s Economy, Short Term Resilience and Long Term

Debate Briefing 1 June 2016 Introduction SCVO welcomes the opportunity to submit a briefing in advance,of this debate.,In addition, the Health and Sport Committee’s report on Health Inequalities stated that ‘Economic growth,[ii] Given the new powers that will come to the Scottish Parliament following the passage of the Scotland,disabled people face in participating in the economy and use opportunities that arise from the devolution

Reference briefing: Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy

The Scottish Parliament’s Welfare Committee recommended that any social security programmes over which,The social contract which has governed our welfare state in the post-war era appears out-dated in the,A UBI is also one answer to the growing debate around work-life balance, enabling greater flexibility,There must be some integration of the strategy and the new employability service in Scotland.,Discussions around local devolution and localities directing employment support are problematic.

Scotland Bill 2015-16 Report Stage – Monday 9th November

Social Security – New Clauses Power to create New Benefits At present there is no clause in the Bill,Joint Committee on Welfare Devolution The proposed new clause from Ian Murray (NC3) regarding the creation,social security powers in Scotland.,We would hope any new committee would be more open in its working.,, accessible form of employment support we aspire to create in Scotland.

SCVO Briefing - Scottish Labour Employment Debate

New powers over social security and employment programmes are on the table alongside an energised population,post-referendum, and a confident and respected parliament and government.,We remain concerned at the call for devolution directly to local authorities, before Scotland and all,powers to be transferred[iii].,response to Devolution Committee Inquiry into Scotland Bill.

SCVO briefing - do the right thing: save the Human Rights Act

As we watch the plight of many thousands of refugees across Europe, never has the debate about maintaining,recently called for key human rights principles to underpin all legislation and work driving the devolution,of further powers under the Scotland Act.,commitment to tackling deepening gender inequality in the context of planning for and implementation of the new,powers emanating from the Scotland Bill, and in all aspects of the Scottish Budget and in the detailed

Creating a Fairer Scotland: Employability Support - SCVO Response

Introduction As Scotland prepares for the devolution of social security and employment powers, the third,The sector is ambitious about making the best use of new and existing powers and will work hard to hold,Indeed, as highlighted by Inclusion Scotland during evidence given to the Welfare Reform Committee, isolation,Third sector propositions As Scotland prepares for the transfer of new powers, the sector has already,which combines new powers with existing approaches.

Call for Evidence, Welfare Reform Committee - The Future of Social Security

SCVO and other charities have responded in detail to the Devolution Committee’s inquiry into the Scotland,Tackling long term challenges The third sector views devolution as an opportunity to consider how we,As we prepare for further devolution we must take a long, hard look at how we use current powers in relation,In addition, direct devolution to local authorities without a Scotland wide debate about how we use these,There are welcome moves to open up the debate about how we use new social security powers e.g. dialogue

SCVO Response to Devolution Committee call for written evidence on the Scotland Bill

Alongside many in the third sector, we call on the Devolution Committee in its communications with the,Clause 26 - Employment support Again, SCVO agrees with the Devolution Committee’s conclusion that clause,The sector hopes the devolution of the new social security and other powers will be the first step in,We call on the Devolution Committee to question both UK and Scottish Ministers on engagement plans to,devolve and shape the new powers.