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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Third Sector Forecast 2019

sector and Scottish economy as a whole. 34% think their own organisation’s financial situation will,As well as the direct impact of cuts to third sector organisations, a number of respondents were concerned,Getting sustainable long term funding and investment and recognition that third sector are valuable and,“Positives: strong, supportive Equally Safe strategy, accompanied by financial support for the third,relationships with Scottish Government and lots of great partnerships with other third sector organizations

Reference briefing: Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy

Self-directed support, leading to some degree of self-discovery, affords people the space to realise,are able to direct individuals to support and in some instances provide direct support, through training,A nationally directed approach, which incorporates the third sector as key partners, delivered at a local,The third sector already plays a significant role in supporting employability and wider participation,As part of this, working at community level and introducing aspects of self-directed support will catalyse

SCVO Briefing – Creating a Fairer Scotland

Many in the Third Sector believe that by fully committing to self-directed approaches we can achieve,Self-Directed Approaches SCVO and many of our members believe that people deserve access to support that,Third Sector organisations are at the forefront of tackling food poverty and poor nutrition – and not,- emphasising the need to prioritise self-directed support, as this allows assistance to be tailored,SCVO believes that we need to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to

Briefing: issues for the third sector beyond 2016

Through person-centred and self-directed services, we can provide support tailored to people’s needs.,The third sector must strive to explore and promote how an expansion of self-directed approaches would,By fully committing to approaches, such as Self-Directed Support (SDS), we can empower people to make,of the Self-Directed Support Act should be extended through a partnership pilot project.,More from SCVO on these issues: Expanding self-directed support in the Scottish third sector Community

SCVO 2016 Holyrood Manifesto - Key Themes

We emphasised the need to prioritise self-directed support as this allows assistance to be tailored while,SCVO believes that we need to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to,creating policies and systems that are truly person centred and promote the idea, where appropriate, of self-directed,about things which affect them and take control over their own lives; building and further the idea of Self-Directed,Support, expanding the idea into other areas, for example, employment support; linking this to the idea

Scotland Bill 2015-16 Report Stage – Monday 9th November

As detailed later, SCVO does not support any form of conditionality and sanctions.,to NC2 in the name of Ian Murray which expands upon and clarifies the ability of the Scottish Parliament,We are heartened to see that representatives of third sector and voluntary organisations would form part,employment support for all individuals who are currently unemployed, not just those at risk of long-term,but also given the recent devolution of the Independent Living Fund and the ongoing development of self-directed

Employability, social justice and contribution discussion paper

landscape, we believe the third sector has a particular role to play because our sector is more accessible,challenges which prevent them moving into, and progressing meaningfully within the labour market Utilises self-directed,and volunteering, self-directed support and welfare.,and an energised post-referendum population to reach more people, without seeking to direct and control,How should we unlock the offer of the third sector within this approach to employment and employability

Call for Evidence, Welfare Reform Committee - The Future of Social Security

Limitations of the Scotland Bill The third sector has been consistently frustrated at the limited nature,Tackling long term challenges The third sector views devolution as an opportunity to consider how we,The third sector will not tolerate negative language which treats claimants as scroungers.,The third sector has much to say and offer in relation to the transfer of employment support powers.,Universal Credit (UC) Administrative Flexibilities There is third sector support for the Scottish Government