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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO submission to the House of Lords: lessons from coronavirus

sector's income comes from the public sector, with more than half (59%) of this earned in the form of,contracts.,Government funding From the start of the pandemic, Scotland's voluntary sector called for urgent support,Firstport, Social Investment Scotland and Corra Foundation work together to deliver the Third Sector,These are long-term issues for the voluntary sector – we need consistent, core investment for the long

Third sector cut out of new employability landscape

sector organisations who have won bids in today’s Scottish Government announcement regarding the Fair,Start employability programme.,, detailed in ‘A New Future for Employability Support in Scotland.’,Read our briefing - Fair Start Scotland: contracts, commissioning and the marginalisation of the third,sector and those we support.

Reference briefing: Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy

The third sector has a shared ambition for employment in Scotland; centred on driving up employment standards,We espouse a move away from the universal pipeline of inflexible state-commissioned support to a focus,The third sector has wide-ranging expertise in working with marginalised groups and there may be scope,To work with third sector organisations only through contracting-out arrangements to deliver programmes,The social contract which has governed our welfare state in the post-war era appears out-dated in the

Creating a Fairer Scotland: Employability Support - SCVO Response

Third sector propositions As Scotland prepares for the transfer of new powers, the sector has already,begun to consider what we might do differently, in particular, to better support marginalised and excluded,The Community Jobs Scotland programme which is led by SCVO and involves 585 third sector organisations,Move beyond commissioning and contracting The third sector already plays a significant role in supporting,How can we move beyond commissioning and contracting to ensure that community infrastructure is supported