About our response SCVO takes transparency and accountability of voluntary organisations seriously, as,to Katy Clark MSP’s consultation on a Freedom of Information Reform (Scotland) Bill, as both consultations,SCVO recognises the critical importance of transparency and accountability.,Our response SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation.,SCVO has made a similar point in our response to the consultation on an FoI Reform Bill, which switches
About our response SCVO takes transparency and accountability of voluntary organisations seriously, as,This means the position that best expresses SCVO's view of the proposed bill (question 5) is 'partially,SCVO recognises the critical importance of transparency and accountability.,Our response SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation.,This means the position that best expresses SCVO's view of the proposed bill (question 5) is 'partially
This is SCVO's response to the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee's call for views,Our position from the outset has been that the responsibility for transparency in lobbying should lie,The onus for transparency in the Bill is being placed entirely on those that lobby.,[i] http://www.scvo.scot/long-form-posts/lobbying-transparency-bill-scvo-consultation-response/ [ii],http://www.scvo.scot/long-form-posts/lobbying-act-and-the-third-sector-in-scotland-independent-research-findings
With the prospect of new powers over income tax through the Scotland Act 2012 and Scotland Bill,In SCVO’s submission to the Fairer Scotland employability consultation we stated that we need to put,Our response to the Fairer Scotland consultation was informed by SCVO’s recently published employability,SCVO believes that we need to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to,Any lobbying transparency should be achieved with minimal bureaucracy so that democratic engagement isn
SCVO supports the principle of an open and transparent political process.,It is our view that the burden of responsibility for ensuring transparency of lobbying should be on those,The definition of those that 'lobby as part of their work' must be made clearer when the Bill is drafted,If the aim of the Bill is to provide a clearer picture of general lobbying activity then the six month,[i] http://www.scvo.scot/long-form-posts/standards-procedures-and-public-appointments-committee-inquiry-into-lobbying
SCVO’s response to this inquiry has been shaped by our close work with a range of third sector organisations,The Scottish Government’s consultation on the new employment powers must actively consider and respond,The sector will lobby hard for the new powers to be used in a way which helps people to move out of poverty,Consultation with the third sector and – more importantly – with claimants – must however lead to real,The First Minister has committed her government to being open and transparent.