or Google Meet, rather than on a separate Zoom plan Both Microsoft and Google have excellent online form,interactive polls into Microsoft Powerpoint slides, or trigger workflows based on responses to Google Forms,For example, In a funding bid that includes costs for a staff post, make sure you also include all digital,Digital can mean investing to save money in the long run To wrap up on a positive note, there are lots,spending some money on digital and technology in the short term can add up to overall savings in the long
A Vision for Rural Scotland The purpose of this vision is to clarify the long-term goal and the overarching,This is usually as a direct result of short-term funding arrangements and late confirmation of funding,for posts.,Despite the clear benefits, the 2022 Scottish Household survey found that the adult (16+) formal volunteer,Particularly in rural areas, community transport and social enterprises form a significant part of the
further with Scottish Labour on plans for a New Deal for the voluntary sector, which we hope will form,The current and next Scottish Government, post-2026, must prioritise addressing this.,Unlocking procurement for social enterprises and voluntary organisations: a 2023 survey by SCVO and Social,SCVO has long called for the Scottish Government to make improvements to funding data to support voluntary,In recent years SCVO has worked with its members, as well as partners across local and national governments
be operating in 12 months' time, the lowest confidence we have seen since we started to regularly survey,This does not include publicly, or independently, funded posts which were not eligible for furlough.,SCVO welcomed the announcement of support which, while much of the funding was concentrated on local,These funds went a long way to helping voluntary organisations through the immediate pressures of the,As detailed above, Scottish financial support to the sector was largely in the form of emergency funding
SCVO has responded to the call from the Economy, Energy and Fair Work Committee’s for views on the post-legislative,Involving the sector ensures a much wider range of skills, expertise, local knowledge and experience,In addition, it has long championed improving social, environmental and economic wellbeing and tackling,Partnership for Procurement (p4p) programme has enabled some smaller voluntary sector organisations to form,Local Equality Impact Assessments on procurement must take this into serious consideration.
The Scottish Household Survey reveals that 28% of adults in Scotland volunteer.,the sector's income comes from the public sector, with more than half (59%) of this earned in the form,These funds have gone a long way to helping voluntary organisations through the immediate pressures of,This does not include publicly, or independently, funded posts that are not eligible for furlough.,There is a need for funding to meet the expected increased demand on the sector post-lockdown, and to