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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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What are the Scottish Government and Parliament’s Tax and Spending Options?

There is a clear role in all of this for the third sector.,The power to do this resides in Scotland, and there is support for such a tax amongst some third sector,With so much of the ground work on this tax being already done, this seems like a good place for third,relation to the environment, as SCVO has discussed previously – see, for example,,(d) Should we encourage more third sector investment, or direct, ring-fenced spend into third sector

Human Rights expert encourages third sector call to arms on Brexit

Following the EU referendum result, SCVO has been consulting its members about their concerns.,As you can hear in our podcast, Professor Miller believes the third sector should take a stand in defence,These are, of course, key values for our sector.,regression not being left behind future progressive developments making sure Scotland has a role in,of how human rights impact in our day-to-day lives, Professor Miller notes: “The third sector can play

Scotland’s charities fear Brexit economic shock

This is of particular concern to disability rights campaigners.,Further concerns were expressed about the poor economic outlook for local and national government spending,“It’s time to recognise the fact that Europe has been critical to the makeup and success of civil society,in Scotland.,The Scottish third sector turns over £4.5 billion a year and employs 138,000 people in over 45,000 organisations

Analysis of Scottish Government Programme for Government

Third sector organisations have already offered to use their networks to express Scotland’s desire to,Our members welcome the fact that the government have listened to the concerns of third sector organisations,We believe that many third sector businesses will welcome recognition of the key role they play in Scotland,In view of the scale and range of Scotland’s third sector, there is clearly much food for thought contained,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests

SCVO briefing - do the right thing: save the Human Rights Act

As we watch the plight of many thousands of refugees across Europe, never has the debate about maintaining,expressed by families and third sector organisations about the implementation of self-directed support,The third sector’s vision is for a fair and just society, and we work in partnership with third sector,Many in the third sector would wish to see a commitment to tackling deepening gender inequality in the,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests

Finance Committee Inquiry into Scottish Rate of Income Tax

Whilst some might feel that the tax system is not the remit of the third sector, without discussing what,Finally, there is concern in the sector around the constant insistence that taxpayers are the only valued,Given that so much of the value of the third sector comes from those who freely give up their time for,This links to the notion of ‘subsidiarity’, which speaks to many of our members in the third sector who,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests

Commission on Local Government Tax Reform

Given that so much of the value of the third sector comes from those who freely give up their time for,As a third sector membership body with a wide range of members, we do not have a view on which is the,The third clear option, the land value tax, has a lot of support within those in our sector who work,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests, [v]

The war on the Commonweal: taking a stand in 2014

He had such integrity and a real and serious concern about developing a more equitable society here in,It was messy and there was blood all over the place.,Many of you in the Third Sector are quite aware of this and have battled against it for years.,“Long lines of indebtedness, constructed by the City, which are completely beyond technical regulation,The forming of opinions is as important as expressing them through debate in public settings.

Making time for the referendum

In the third sector it can be difficult to take time away from the coalface to sit down with others and

Expert Working Group on Welfare – Phase 2 Call for Evidence

Many within the third sector will welcome a commitment to make this happen as outlined in “Scotland’s,These are values which guide the third sector’s work with people across the country.,It also helps to strengthen and develop third sector organisations taking part.,Future” – the third sector also has a substantial role to play, as outlined above.,A frank debate about the nature of poverty and inequality in Scotland is long overdue.