Considering the health, wellbeing and economic impact of long-term unemployment, the prevention agenda,Finally, in our response to the Scottish Government’s budget proposals for 2017-18, John Downie suggested,The Scottish Parliament’s Budget Process Review Group recently reported[3], and concluded that ‘cultural,has discussed previously – see, for example,,in income, the labour market, health and education, tackling employment and employability) – is one
The key here is to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to each citizen,Gender: Tackling ingrained and deepening gender inequality must sit at the heart of a Scottish approach,Joining up employability support with other policy areas Links across Scottish Government budgets Scottish,The Scottish Government needs to get better at accepting spend in specific policy areas such as employability,Contact Ruchir Shah, Policy Manager Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, Mansfield Traquair
[ii] In our response to Scottish Labour’s Health Inequalities Policy Review SCVO stated that the key,to tackling the health inequalities in Scotland is the creation of joined-up policies.,Contact
Kate Wane
Policy Officer Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations,
Mansfield Traquair Centre,References
[i],can be found on the SCVO website:
Our sector broadly aspires to work with governments and the Scottish Parliament to: reduce inequality,The currently diametrically opposed policies of the UK and Scottish governments on approaches to welfare,the current responsibilities of the Scottish Parliament.,[v] The devolution of the Crown Estate to the Scottish Parliament was advocated by SCVO in its 2011 response,We also hope that these initial thoughts will form part of the Commission’s discussions with the political
See SCVO’s response to the recent DWP sanctions review.,SCVO responded to the Scottish Government consultation on the planned legislation for the Scottish Welfare,and the Scottish Parliament (Critical Social Policy 2000:20 (2), 155-182 iv For example: The rise of,stop-the-care-tax/108-20-000-lose-out-because-of-tightening-eligibility-criteria vii,/briefings-consultation-responses/independent-review-of-jobseekers-allowance-sanctions/ xiv
Our response
SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to this call for evidence, and contributes the,References
[i] [ii], [xv],/briefings-consultation-responses/independent-review-of-jobseekers-allowance-sanctions/ [xix] http://,[xxii]
Creating policies which mirror life today and in future - In SCVO’s “Positive Principles” paper, there,The role of employers, trade unions and work bodies in developing employment and labour market policy,A frank debate about the nature of poverty and inequality in Scotland is long overdue.,welfare-attitudes-generational-summary.pdf [xxvii] As above [xxviii],, July 2013 [xxxvi] As above [xxxvii] Scottish Welfare Policies in an International Context; Childcare