In January 2016, the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) published the most comprehensive,As can be seen from our members’ contributions during the Smith Commission process, many in our sector,support service for older people - assisting and enabling them to eat well and live independently for as long,SCVO believes that we need to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to,SCVO and our members believe that many key indicators of fairness are intrinsically linked.
Full Devolution of Welfare In our response to the Smith Commission SCVO called for the devolution of,In our response to the Smith Commission we sought the full devolution of welfare – excluding pensions,In our response to the Smith Commission SCVO called for those aspects of employment law that directly,As noted by Nourish Scotland in its’ response to SCVO’s Smith Commission consultation this would align,In addition, and as noted in our response to the Smith Commission: ‘if employment law were to be devolved
the prospect of new powers over income tax through the Scotland Act 2012 and Scotland Bill 2015-16, SCVO,For SCVO there are two key questions to be answered before we began to consider what we might do with,Our response to the Fairer Scotland consultation was informed by SCVO’s recently published employability,SCVO believes that we need to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to,However, as the sector has stated from the outset of the Smith Commission process, those who will be
The end result of the Smith Commission and some draft clauses ambitiously called ‘an enduring settlement,the Scottish Parliament’s Devolution (Further Powers) Committee who put out a call for evidence and SCVO,Overall, our response said nothing new.,Nothing that we haven’t brought up over the last months in our response to the Smith Commission, our,They also, in a number of instances, fail to fully meet the intentions set out in the Smith Commission
We would also encourage the Committee to reflect upon the recommendations of the Speaker's Commission,response to the Smith Commission and SCVO's work priorities: Social Security & Employability Social,interest in, and ability to examine, the effects of social security policies on areas of devolved responsibility,and suggesting how more coherence could be created between equalities legislation and devolved responsibilities,Asylum This was an issue identified for further consideration by the Smith Commission and we consider
Our response SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to this consultation and would like to contribute,The mechanisms used by Calman and Smith to devolve some responsibility for this tax to the Scottish Parliament,information about our proposal to shift thinking to valuing people’s contribution to society in all its forms,[ii] Tax for our times, Daisy Srblin, 2015 [iii] See SCVO’s submission to Commission on Local Tax Reform,[vi] See SCVO’s submission to the Smith Commission, 2014.
work with those who will be affected by the proposed changes), while appreciating the efforts of Lord Smith,to engage more widely, nevertheless feel that the Commission failed to acknowledge to the sector's aspirations,Scotland Bill - Specific points As evidenced in SCVO's response to the Smith Commission, it was clear,As agreed under the Smith Commission, all employment programmes currently contracted by DWP should be,Further details about SCVO can be found at
Yet, gender remains largely absent from policy responses to welfare reform.,This applies to the development of planned new powers for Scotland following the Smith Commission report,Changing the Debate
SCVO and the wider third sector have long argued that the debate about welfare must,eligibility and cuts to services lead to (mainly) women having to give up work to care with often long,[v] Scottish welfare policies in an international context, SCVO (2013) [vi] Carers Scotland – response