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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Key promises show the sector can deliver the change Scotland needs

From others, there was a more muted response.,SCVO welcomes these announcements and the Government’s willingness to look at the long term future of,will go in to tackle food insecurity and holiday hunger among children. £125 million of support for welfare,Female Genital Mutilation Bill to strengthen the protection of women and girls from this form of gender,million per year Scottish Land Fund.

Community Capacity and Resilience Fund guidance notes

Organisation Eligibility The fund is open to applications from third sector organisations based in Scotland,By providing this foundation we are confident that the impact will be longer term and post this funding,Third sector organisations based in Scotland and delivering services in Scotland, with an annual income,When you have submitted your application form you will receive a copy of your responses by email How,These payment dates are based on SCVO having received the funding. What records do I have to keep?

Briefing: issues for the third sector beyond 2016

Public generosity is not, however, a long-term solution to funding vital services.,We need a commitment to long-term funding initiatives.,Victim Support Scotland: Long-term funding would facilitate secure and sustainable resources while additional,Capacity & Resilience Fund – Interim Report Briefing: public sector funding Creating a Fairer Scotland,: Employability Support – SCVO Response Employability, social justice and contribution discussion paper

Scotland Bill 2015-16 Report Stage – Monday 9th November

Full Devolution of Welfare In our response to the Smith Commission SCVO called for the devolution of,Fund.,Funds (Scotland) Act.,As noted by Nourish Scotland in its’ response to SCVO’s Smith Commission consultation this would align,, accessible form of employment support we aspire to create in Scotland.

Scottish Affairs Committee Inquiry: Work of the Scottish Affairs Committee

response to the Smith Commission and SCVO's work priorities: Social Security & Employability Social,For example, demand on the third sector from people seeking support continues to grow; however, funding,Devolution: The Scotland Act 2012 and the forthcoming Scotland Bill SCVO firmly believes that the Committee,and the Scotland Bill 2015/16.,However, it remains a current issue for our sector, especially with the Land Reform (Scotland) Bill currently

SCVO briefing - do the right thing: save the Human Rights Act

The Public Bodies Act, the Welfare Funds (Scotland) act and so on.,demands a specific response, with access to basic rights such as housing, income and wellbeing now at,Bill, and in all aspects of the Scottish Budget and in the detailed actions to follow the Programme,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests,As the only inclusive representative umbrella organisation for the sector SCVO: has the largest Scotland-wide

Welfare Funds (Scotland) Act Regulations and Guidance consultation

the Welfare Reform and Work Bill go ahead.,Award fulfilment We support Inclusion Scotland’s response to this question.,As we pointed out in previous consultation responses, this may actually cost more in the long run if,, the Welfare Fund may be able to help.,As we prepare for new powers to be devolved via the Scotland Bill, we need more than rhetoric.

SCVO Response to Devolution Committee call for written evidence on the Scotland Bill

SCVO outlined in our previous response to the Committee remain.,Powers to the Scottish Parliament SCVO believes it is important to emphasise that the Scotland Bill serves,Funds (Scotland) Act.,Fund.,The wording and scope of the clauses within the Scotland Bill is vital but at present the Bill fails

Call for Evidence, Welfare Reform Committee - The Future of Social Security

Introduction SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to this timely and important inquiry by the Welfare,SCVO’s response to this inquiry has been shaped by our close work with a range of third sector organisations,Impact of Welfare Reform and Work Bill We would like to raise concerns with the Committee about the potential,impact of the recent Emergency Budget announcements and the Welfare Reform and Work Bill on the devolution,SCVO’s “Positive Principles” paper and the Scottish Campaign on Welfare Reform.

Compassion in social security – just a dream?

There are no guarantees that Scotland would create a more compassionate and caring benefits system says