A Vision for Rural Scotland The purpose of this vision is to clarify the long-term goal and the overarching,Draft vision for rural Scotland: "Our vision is for a vibrant, sustainable, equal and inclusive rural,Do you agree with the proposed vision for rural Scotland?,group trustees across the country, all doing so voluntarily.,Particularly in rural areas, community transport and social enterprises form a significant part of the
The Fair Funding – Collaborate, Challenge, Change event at this year’s Gathering was organised by SCVO,With regards to sustainable funding, attendees highlighted a need for a long-term vision from funders,building those relationships with funders can we really move forward in achieving fair funding for Scotland’s,medium-sized organisations meant finding themselves ineligible to apply for both smaller and larger funding posts,For others, it was primarily about having a “long-term vision for funding” and access to funds to allow
Despite the challenging environment, we are still seeing
energy and vision in the sector.,open from 21 November 2018 to 9 January 2019,
and distributed through a range of channels including SCVO,cuts as a key challenge and 27% as a secondary challenge 88% of respondents currently access some form,and no signs of improvement” “Recruitment
and retention as the rise in the Living Wage devalues our posts,We need better collaboration to make it
all work.
Shelter Scotland clearly feel more can be done in terms of looking at housing as a cross-cutting policy,On top of this is a commitments to extend Freedom of Information legislation to cover all organisations,And, in the next year, a National Volunteering Outcomes Framework will be published, setting out a vision,SCVO welcomes these announcements and the Government’s willingness to look at the long term future of,Female Genital Mutilation Bill to strengthen the protection of women and girls from this form of gender
, members felt that much more can be done to link that vision to tax and spend decisions.,After all, why campaign for more powers and then keep them all locked away?,However, whilst the Group’s call for improved scrutiny both pre- and post-budget is welcome, they focussed,has discussed previously – see, for example, http://www.scvo.scot/long-form-posts/an-economy-for-all-report-economyforall,creation of a United Kingdom Shared Prosperity Fund, which will ‘replace’ EU funding, quite what the form
SCVO media release
30 June 2016 An enhanced model for charity fundraising regulation in Scotland will,The Working Group’s vision was to create a fundraising regulatory system for Scotland which commands,fundraisers, OSCR and the Scottish Government, will be convened to develop a robust set of standards for all,The Regulator's vision is for charities you can trust and that provide public benefit.,In Scotland, the Scottish Fundraising Working Group was convened by SCVO to perform this task, with membership