Public Sector FundingDownload PDF Public sector funding of the voluntary sector The following pages pull,together what we know about public sector funding from the latest SCVO Sector Stats, based on analysis,There has been a slight fall in the value and relative importance of public sector funding to the sector,Public sector funding made up 40% of the sector’s income in 2023.,The voluntary sector in numbers – key facts There are over 46,500 voluntary sector organisations in Scotland
shows that income from donations has grown steadily in recent years, reaching an all-time high in 2013,This increase helped the sector meet growing demand and plug the gaping hole left by public sector funding,Recent figures from NCVO show that across the rest of the UK, voluntary income dropped between 2012 and 2013,We must also do more to help people outwith the sector see us and our work more clearly.,SCVO wants to gain a more balanced picture of the state of fundraising in Scotland today.
As we stated in our previously published paper ‘An Economy for All’[i], we suggest four guiding principles,As a recent briefing form NHS Health Scotland highlighted, to reduce health inequalities, action is needed,Government makes moves to encourage the establishment of greater numbers of co-operatives or other forms,and those of their family, rather than being beholden to either employers or means testing of the state,References [i] [ii] http
Indeed the Fund statistics for 2013/14 show that it is increasingly being used by families to help them,Application form
Whatever format is chosen for the application, simplicity and accessibility are paramount,We want to raise a specific concern with Part 2 of the form, which states that applicants must be on,As we pointed out in previous consultation responses, this may actually cost more in the long run if,Other third sector concerns raised are often long standing issues with which the Scottish Government
The key here is to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to each citizen,New powers over welfare and employment programmes are on the table alongside an energised population post-referendum,support to all citizens to contribute, making best use of new digital technologies, and an energised post-referendum,Email: Tel 0131 474 8037 [1] Statistics Norway (2013) Home with Mom: The effects,of stay-at-home parents on children’s long-run educational outcomes
There is a real danger that debates stated in these terms unfairly prioritise the needs and desires of,information about our proposal to shift thinking to valuing people’s contribution to society in all its forms,going to increase tax to make the SRIT 11p, but with this extra £400m we are going to take a specific stated,Issues of nationhood and welfare, NatCen 2013.,, we are managed by the sector, for the sector brings together organisations and networks connecting
In 2013, over 70% of third sector organisations had experienced a significant increase in demand for,SCVO was a member of the High Level Reference Group chaired by the Secretary of State for Scotland that,insufficiently local to people and communities, and that local democracy ought to be redefined in post-referendum,of the franchise being extended to 16 and 17 year olds - something which has been supported for a long,We also hope that these initial thoughts will form part of the Commission’s discussions with the political