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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Sturgeon puts third sector centre in fight for social justice

Robert Armour gets round the Bute House fireplace for an exclusive interview with First Minister Nicola

Fair Funding: Collaborate, Challenge, Change - The Gathering 2022

With regards to sustainable funding, attendees highlighted a need for a long-term vision from funders,building those relationships with funders can we really move forward in achieving fair funding for Scotland’s,medium-sized organisations meant finding themselves ineligible to apply for both smaller and larger funding posts,For others, it was primarily about having a “long-term vision for funding” and access to funds to allow,sustainable” and there were calls for training and advice to be provided for organisations, perhaps by Third

What does the future hold?

TFN asked six organisations from different areas to tell us their vision for the sector in 10 years’

Holyrood 2021: what the voluntary sector wants

TFN's guide to charity election manifestos

SCVO response to the Finance and Public Administration Committee's National Performance Framework inquiry

This muddles the strategic vision set by the NPF and contributes to a confusing landscape.,The report, ‘Valuing the Third Sector,’ published by the former Equalities and Human Rights Committee,to take complete account of their decisions' short and long-term impact by assessing the impact on Scotland's,in June 2019 on what the national performance framework means for the third sector?,(sometimes referred to as the third sector).

Third Sector Forecast 2019

Despite the challenging environment, we are still seeing energy and vision in the sector.,A third of respondents (33%) were more optimistic about their future now than they were at this time,Income Predictions around future income show the most mixed response, with only a third thinking it will,Getting sustainable long term funding and investment and recognition that third sector are valuable and,“The sector needs to come together and talk about the future.

Key promises show the sector can deliver the change Scotland needs

Of specific interest to the third sector is a pledge to consult on an update to the Charities and Trustee,And, in the next year, a National Volunteering Outcomes Framework will be published, setting out a vision,SCVO welcomes these announcements and the Government’s willingness to look at the long term future of,the charity sector.,Female Genital Mutilation Bill to strengthen the protection of women and girls from this form of gender

Third sector cut out of new employability landscape

SCVO strongly disappointed that near replication of Work Programme means third sector regulated to role,Their ambitions were that the third sector would be heart and centre of the new employability landscape,“It’s simply not good enough, and ignores the successful values driven approach of the third sector in,Third sector organisations with established connections and local expertise will ultimately be relegated,Read our briefing - Fair Start Scotland: contracts, commissioning and the marginalisation of the third

What are the Scottish Government and Parliament’s Tax and Spending Options?

There is a clear role in all of this for the third sector.,The power to do this resides in Scotland, and there is support for such a tax amongst some third sector,relation to the environment, as SCVO has discussed previously – see, for example,,Perhaps more prosaically, any future changes to VAT could also have a significant impact on the sector,(d) Should we encourage more third sector investment, or direct, ring-fenced spend into third sector

Charity fundraising in Scotland to be improved with stronger self-regulation

The move follows an extensive period of consultation with the third sector and the public, led by the,The Working Group’s vision was to create a fundraising regulatory system for Scotland which commands,The Working Group presented three potential options for the future of charity fundraising in Scotland,The Scottish third sector turns over £4.5 billion a year and employs 138,000 people in over 45,000 organisations,sector.