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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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What are the Scottish Government and Parliament’s Tax and Spending Options?

Considering the health, wellbeing and economic impact of long-term unemployment, the prevention agenda,relation to the environment, as SCVO has discussed previously – see, for example,,UK, the threshold at which someone pays the top tax rate is when they earn 4.1 times the average UK wage,demonstrate year on year how they target ‘social need’ (focussing on inequalities in income, the labour,market, health and education, tackling employment and employability) – is one way the Scottish Government

Reference briefing: Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy

Introduction The announcement of a Labour Market Strategy is highly welcomed as a means of centralising,This is an excellent starting point for a strong labour market strategy.,We welcome the continued commitment to the Business Pledge, the living wage and fair work.,women’s labour market participation.,the labour market – thus integrating childcare and benefits provision.

Analysis of Scottish Government Programme for Government

of increasing the number of accredited Living Wage employers to 1,000.,The Labour Market Strategy will be taken forward and, using new powers, employment tribunal fees will,This should be reflected in the Government’s Labour Market Strategy.,The First Minister expressed a desire to work with Councils, teachers, parents and the newly formed Council,This will allow communities to develop their own economies, wellbeing and environments.”

Briefing: issues for the third sector beyond 2016

We must also work together to recognise and communicate the links between Scottish strategies if we are,In the long term poverty will impact upon their health, their wellbeing and their life chances.,battered by… stagnant wages… and job insecurity”.,Engender: Gender and other forms of equality are preconditions of sustainable, equitable growth.,, wages and wellbeing in the Scottish labour market A social justice strategy for Scotland An Economy

Work, wages and wellbeing in the Scottish labour market

One of their suggestions as to how to achieve this is through “Active labour market policies (e.g. hiring,for part-time work, signifies persistent and widespread differences in women’s experience of the labour,market.,, wages and wellbeing. ,References [i] [ii] http

Inquiry into Scotland’s Economic Future Post-2014

Pay and conditions The operation of the labour market in Scotland is a significant challenge, as seen,Research by KPMG shows that 18% of Scottish workers are paid less than the current Living wage[viii].,The need to tackle such increases in poverty and hardship through changes to labour market and welfare,References [i] [ii], [xv]

Expert Working Group on Welfare – Phase 2 Call for Evidence

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation has highlighted the specific challenges facing the labour market in the,Phase two of the programme will offer jobs which have wage incentives for people with disabilities.,The role of employers, trade unions and work bodies in developing employment and labour market policy,A frank debate about the nature of poverty and inequality in Scotland is long overdue.,/workarea/future-labour-markets [xxii]