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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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The Economy

of factors look set to make 2025/26 another difficult year for voluntary sector finances: UK and Scottish,cost-of-living crisis costs remaining high additional costs being levied on some voluntary organisations governments,at all levels indicating there will be standstill budgets or cuts in public spending, and independent,for better funding The Scottish Third Sector Tracker can help you to understand trends in funding, and,across the sector Third sector organisations can seek emergency support from Community Enterprise, Scottish

UK government set to raid Scotland’s Big Lottery Fund cash by 40%

​Fears UK government will seize £320m of Big Lottery Fund cash across the UK

Community Capacity and Resilience Fund guidance notes

Government's 'Access to free sanitary products' policy and organisations which are successful in their,We propose to deliver money management services that will include credit checks; budgeting sessions;,The funding will be released when SCVO receive the following from successful applicants: Signed acceptance,Where electronic media are used for procurement / ordering / purchasing, payment, banking (bank statements,Government and SCVO.

Gift Aid and the new Scottish income tax

budget being announced.,For the first time, this year’s budget set new income tax rates and bands across the working population,You can see our response to those changes here, but what I want to talk about in this blog is Gift Aid,But with some Scottish taxpayers – who donate to both Scottish and UK charities – soon to pay only 19p,Scottish Government – not guaranteed with a minority government

Programme for Government: A brave new world?

The programme was trailed as the Scottish Government’s “most ambitious plan ever”, containing details,The response from the sector has generally been positive – with new funds established to tackle child,This is certainly an interesting concept and at SCVO we have long been keen to see how effective this,With the prospect of a ‘live experiment’ in the offing, we need to work with the Scottish Government,Like so many budgets and programmes for government before, this week’s announcement is packed with warm

SCVO Briefing - Welfare Reform and Work Bill

Please, vote this Bill down and call for the UK Government to rethink its budget proposals.,Third sector responses The third sector has been united in its condemnation of the provisions within,so-called “troubled families” do not apply to Scotland but in this age of UK-wide, up to the minute media,References Scottish Voluntary Sector Statistics 2010, SCVO,f=asc&rid=1078 [1] SCVO’s Policy Committee has 24 members elected by SCVO’s member organisations who

Quick guide to Smith Commission Report

This morning the Smith Commission released its report, setting out the agreement between the main political,The icon gives an indication as to whether the requests in SCVO's submission have been met, partially,You can also read our media response: Piecemeal package of powers doesn’t go far enough to fully tackle,Scottish Government are permanent institutions.,Government’s budget.

A new democracy for Scotland: Discussion paper by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

Some of the most important decisions made by Parliament involve the Scottish Budget.,SCVO proposes that these budgets should be scaled up.,As SCVO stated to the Scottish Parliament Local Government and Regeneration Committee: “Instead of looking,Further details about SCVO can be found at References [1] Scottish Government 2014,/research/scvo-scottish-third-sector-statistics/

Integration of Adult Health and Social Care: Consultation on proposals

As CCPS point out in their response to this call for evidence, the leadership needed from the Scottish,Government is lacking in this regard – it could have sought to integrate key budgets at strategic level,Guidance issued to health boards via the Scottish Public Health Network (ScotPHN) outlines the UK Government,// [ii],/media-release-investing-in-frontline-community-groups-is-best-way-to-mitigate-the-impact-of-welfare-cuts

Health and Sport Committee call for evidence: Public Bodies (Joint Working) Scotland bill

As highlighted by CCPS in its response, the leadership needed from the Scottish Government is lacking,Other responses to the call for evidence e.g.,have been static for many years, with many experiencing often significant budget cuts.,We will work with colleagues across the third sector and the Scottish Government and the Parliament to,/media_232766_en.pdf [10]