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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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That’s why SCVO is part of the UK-wide #NeverMoreNeeded campaign - to help remind government, funders,Scotland's voluntary sector Members of the public How members of the public can support the #NeverMoreNeeded

#NeverMoreNeeded resources

engaging with local or national politicians to help them understand why your organisation is #NeverMoreNeeded,Webinars To access recordings of any #NeverMoreNeeded themed online discussions we have hosted, visit,Social Media Assets To access and download #NeverMoreNeeded graphics to use on your Twitter, Facebook

#NeverMoreNeeded Webinars

Building Scotland's Wellbeing Economy Read all about it! Press coverage tips for charities Embracing change through challenging times Covid: the age of charity mergers https...

#NeverMoreNeeded stories

The voluntary sector has supported so many people and communities across Scotland throughout the pandemic - here some beneficiaries, volunteers and charity staff share their experiences: Alyson Ross - Homestart (Volunteer) Boatemaa Ofori-Frimpong - Maryhill Integration Network...

#NeverMoreNeeded social assets

Facebook assets: Facebook link image 1200 x 628 (colour)Download Facebook link image 1200 x 628 (white)Download Facebook image post 1200 x 900 (colour)Download Facebook image post 1200 x 900 (white)Download Twitter Assets: Twitter post image 1024 x 512 (colour)Download Twitter...

Top tips for businesses to support #NeverMoreNeeded

We need everyone to know these services #NeverMoreNeeded than right now.,Here are some suggested social media posts: “We recognise [Insert charity name] is #NeverMoreNeeded so,with [Insert charity name] to help develop its fundraising strategy because we know its work is #NeverMoreNeeded,“Our staff told us [Insert charity name]’s work supporting [insert beneficiaries] is #NeverMoreNeeded

#NeverMoreNeeded - Top Ten Tips for Lobbying

Remember that Lobbying isn’t a dark art. Our parliament and our democracy wouldn’t function if it didn’t bring in information from the real world. Anyone willing to talk to a councillor, MSP or Minister is a lobbyist! Lobbying doesn’t always take place in ‘the corridors of power...

Best practice for funders

Collaboration Take a look at our briefing paper on funding, the voluntary sector and coronavirus for more information about our work with funders to share information around the development and deployment of funds to support resilience, and planning for response and recovery. If...


Webinars Take a look at recordings of all the #NeverMoreNeeded campaign webinars and events.