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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Sector's role in the economy

v=ocOi5Ddhk9Q Latest news & opinion The latest sector's role in the economy news and blogs.,Read more Latest briefings & policy papers The latest sector's role in the economy briefings and policy,papers from the policy team.,from the policy team.,have evidence, resources, or experiences that could support our work, please contact Rachel Le Noan, Policy

SCVO response to pre-budget scrutiny 2023/24: the sector's role in reducing inequalities & alleviating

, and research with the sector throughout 21-22,including, ‘Scottish Government funding of voluntary,organisations: A case study ofvoluntary sector intermediaries.’The Scottish Third Sector Tracker.SCVO,Recent research by the Living Wage Foundation has shown that 12.5% of voluntary sector workers in Britain,service reform and investing in the third sector to support best practice.,Our sector needs recognition, resources, and, crucially, new approaches focused on creating sustainable

SCVO submission to the Law Family Commission on Civil Society

Only a third of the Scottish voluntary sector’s income comes from voluntary sources such as donations,Emphasise the importance and viability of new flexible funding arrangements for the voluntary sector,,These include: Valuing the Third Sector: Looking ahead to the Scottish Government’s Draft Budget 2020,a new approach to funding and collaborative working.,The latest primary research conducted by SCVO is the Third Sector Forecast, 2019.

SCVO response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery

They also have a big role to play in protecting Scotland’s environment as well as campaigning and advocating,A new approach to budgeting: Future spending rounds will define the type of economic recovery, meaning,Research-based charities will have crucial insights to contribute to national discussions.,A new approach to budgeting Future spending rounds will define the type of economic recovery, meaning,The Scottish Parliament's recent inquiry on sector funding reported that short-term public funding, sometimes

Delivery of national equalities and human rights in partnership with the third sector

Outcome expectations and evidence of what works should drive public policy and spending decisions.,View the latest sector stats SCVO’s policy works to ensure that the needs and concerns of the third sector,By acting as an authoritative and trusted voice for the sector, SCVO’s policy and research output is,Further details about SCVO’s policy and research can be found at Contact,Paul Bradley Policy and Campaigns Officer Email: / Tel: 0131 474 8000

SCVO response - Long-Term Financial Sustainability of Local Government

Despite spending billions of pounds of public money, there is very little oversight of their spending,to third sector providers.,View the latest sector stats SCVO’s policy works to ensure that the needs and concerns of the third sector,By acting as an authoritative and trusted voice for the sector, SCVO’s policy and research output is,Further details about SCVO’s policy and research can be found at Contact

Call for Affordable Internet

Affordable Internet Campaign 04 December 2017 Our position The Scottish Government will shortly make,Ofcom research conducted in 2014 found that 70% of people eligible for BT Basic were not aware of it.,Additionally, organisations from across the public, private and third sectors have made commitments through,sector.,SCVO works in partnership with the third sector in Scotland to advance our shared values and interests

Local funding survey

for much of the third sector.,Jenny Bloomfield, Policy Officer, Spring 2017 Introduction to the data The third sector is diverse, working,“Had already agreed amount requested frozen since 2013.”,For new and small organisations there's often next to no support or funding available due to the restrictive,We will continue to work with the third sector and the public sector to ensure a robust system of funding

The effectiveness of the self-regulation of fundraising in Scotland: an informal review

I’m proud that the third sector is home to much of this welcome rise in campaigning and activism.,SCVO’s survey, primarily of those in or close to the third sector, showed levels of trust in fundraising,Pyjamas’ campaign in 2010 and The Kiltwalk in early 2015.,The FRSB highlight that research[2] in 2013 found that three-fifths of people were more likely to trust,It is accepted, however, that due to the survey being publicised primarily through third-sector routes