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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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The resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and,The Scottish Charity Awards, hosted by SCVO was a highlight for Leuchie.,two of the categories (Campaign of the Year and Digital Citizen).,The resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and,two of the categories (Campaign of the Year and Digital Citizen).

Meet the trainers

Her work focuses on unpacking the dynamics of privilege and power, fostering new places of belonging,,in fundraising as a consultant and trainer for over 25 years.,She works with fundraisers, management committees, volunteers and staff across the voluntary sector to,Over the past 8 years as a consultant she has worked with international, UK and Scottish charities, mostly,on new legislation proposed by the Scottish Parliament, the UK Parliament, the European Parliament and

Cost of living & the #RunningCostsCrisis

How to make the most of your funding, and find new sources How to look after your staff Policy & influencing,in its Policy Prospectus and Programme for Government.,If you missed it, you can watch the recording. Work and news from the sector,Scottish Government cost of living crisis campaign gives information for individuals on help available,Supporting employees through the crisis when pay-rises aren't an option - from Atkinson HR Consulting

Sector's role in the economy

Because at a time when the Scottish and local governments seem so enthusiastic about the prospects of,v=ocOi5Ddhk9Q Latest news & opinion The latest sector's role in the economy news and blogs.,papers from the policy team.,Read more Latest consultation responses The latest sector's role in the economy consultation responses,from the policy team.

The Economy

of factors look set to make 2025/26 another difficult year for voluntary sector finances: UK and Scottish,SCVO) Use SCVO’s Fair Funding Principles or the TSI Scotland Network Local Fair Funding Charter to campaign,for better funding The Scottish Third Sector Tracker can help you to understand trends in funding, and,advice and guidance SCVO members may be entitled to up to 1 hour of free advice from the Wylie Bisset Group,receive advice on various areas of financial management, including audits, reporting and finance policies

Goodmovers | 27 November 2014

Find out who has a new job in the voluntary sector in our Goodmovers round-up. Don't forget to email your new starts to [email protected]

Goodmovers | Who is going where in the voluntary sector | 12 January 2016

Find out who has been appointed to fill some of the biggest roles in the third sector. Email details of your new starts to [email protected]

SCVO response to FoI Reform Bill consultation (Katy Clark MSP)

The Scottish Government already holds powers to extend FoI, which, when used, are shown to work effectively,Regulator or the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel.,It is government policy to work towards eliminating barriers to participation in public procurements,,with information requests about their organisation’s work as part of targeted campaigns.,Contact Paul Bradley, Policy and Public Affairs Manager – About SCVO The Scottish

Post-legislative scrutiny: Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014

SCVO response to the Scottish Parliament Economy and Fair Work Committee's consultation on Assessing,2021 Scottish Parliament consultation SCVO, along with other voluntary organisations, participated in,We urge the Committee to clearly back and champion CCPS's 4 Steps to Fair Work Campaign.,For Scotland to be a Fair Work Nation, Scottish Government needs to work across departments, with local,This work facilitated a Public Sector Community Benefits Champions Group that promoted community benefits

SCVO response to Access to Information Rights consultation (Scottish Government)

Our position SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on Access,Regulator or the Scottish Fundraising Adjudication Panel.,We welcome the consultation paper’s acknowledgement of government policy to work towards eliminating,with information requests about their organisation’s work as part of targeted campaigns.,Contact Paul Bradley, Policy and Public Affairs Manager – About SCVO The Scottish