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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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benefits and support networks A strong community of voluntary organisations of all sizes Shape the future,Brexit and the pandemic have left the social care sector facing some serious staffing challenges.,The resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and,Brexit and the pandemic have left the social care sector facing some serious staffing challenges.,The resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and

Useful contacts

Are you a community group, social enterprise or third sector organisation really worried about your future,Just Enterprise - National Support, Delivered Locally Local Energy Scotland/CARES Local Energy Scotland,and influencing national policy in order to reflect the best interests of the sector.,/community-learning-exchange/ Social Enterprise Scotland The representative body for social enterprises,Distribute funding and offer information and news.

The three underpinning enablers

It is not unrealistic to imagine a future when the majority, if not all, government policy interventions,Activity is underway in pockets of government policy, such as in the Digital Health and Care directorate,The development of a framework and assessment tool to support new policy initiatives should be prioritised,Such a framework would explore how new digital services or policy interventions support the development,to integrate the corporate social responsibility offers into these support systems.

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

We also produced our annual Third Force News Guide to Running a Charity or Social Enterprise, which focused,about the sector’s future.,people to live well, safely, and independently in their own homes by self-managing their own health and care,Policy Insights into our policy work and how we have worked to support and advocate for the sector We,Our Policy team identified six key areas of focus for our policy work: CoronavirusEconomic actorEuropeEmployerPartnershipsRegulation

The Gathering 2023: a round-up

Print & Copy and Vodafone; our partners ACOSVO, EVOC, Social Enterprise Scotland and Volunteer Scotland,The Scottish Government published a new Climate Change Plan in September, and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland,food banks history in Scotland Campaigners from a number of groups came together at the Gathering to,Catch up on 'Building a cash-first future' Shirley-Anne Somerville MSP, Cabinet Secretary for Social,brand and website, Waverley Care - Scotland's leading HIV and sexual health charity - took us through

Meet the #EssentialSector campaign contributors

With their partners they have established four centres of legal excellence and a legal policy, research,regenerate the community, help people in challenging socio-economic circumstances, provide leadership to future-proof,provide an independent, rights-based, information, advice and support service for anyone involved in the care,They help people to connect with others, build new friendships, boost confidence, and help build new,The charity's aim is to lead campaigning in Scotland to end all forms of VAWG by raising public and political

Letter to UK party leaders

a fairer charity tax system Investing in public services Implementing the recommendations of The Future,The next UK Government’s approach to matters such as immigration, social security and the economy will,From advice services to homelessness, housing, social care and mental health, from food banks to domestic,The knowledge they hold should be seen as an asset in developing policy and legislation, and the voice,Welcome campaigning as a healthy part of democracy.

Response to Finance and Public Administration Committee Pre-budget Scrutiny: Managing Scotland’s Public

Similarly, Scotland’s 6,000 social enterprises contribute to society and the economy by investing profits,Through direct provision of public services in areas like social care and youth work, or working with,To support Scotland’s vital voluntary sector to adapt to current and future societal and economic challenges,For example, The Coalition of Care and Support Provider in Scotland (CCPS) cite a 20% pay gap between,NHS support workers and voluntary sector social care support workers who are starting out in their career

Scottish Government Debate Briefing: Tackling Child Poverty and Inequality Through the Scottish Budget

Fair Funding The essential public services delivered by the voluntary sector – like social care and youth,As the Committee recognised, despite a renewed focus, 18 months on from the policy prospectus, there,Case-study Turning Point Scotland is a large social care provider working across 18 local authority areas,Many will face closure in the very near future.,The impact on Scotland’s social care system and the people who rely on it cannot be overstated.