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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Funding Scotland Policy & influencing We recognise that funding is one of the key priorities across the,More information Funding policy and influencing Running Costs Crisis #EssentialSector Manage your grant,SCVO Grantmaking Latest news & opinion The latest funding news from SCVO. Read more


The resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and,not only to be part of the Scottish Charity Awards this year, but to win two of the categories (Campaign


There are rules that apply around charities doing political campaigning that apply at any time.,Political campaigning can be allowed but must be related to your charitable purposes and in the interest,What happens to new or revised law and regulations in this period?,Policy decisions that the new administration might wish to take a different view on following an election,Staff and trustees It’s important to share any relevant information around campaigning with both staff

Make Renting Right

Over the past 10 years, the charity has campaigned for and worked towards positive changes across the,Graeme Brown, director at Shelter Scotland, said: “We have always engaged with private renting policy,Brown continued: “We built a well-evidenced case for reform, through research, policy papers, public,Private Housing (Tenancies) (Scotland) Act 2016 came into force on 1 December 2017 and introduced the new,The new tenancy is open-ended and lasts until the tenant wishes to leave the property or the landlord

Policy network

Policy network community SCVO’s policy network has been around for over twenty years to offer the sector,and campaigns work.,Latest news & opinion The latest Policy network news and blogs.,, and connections needed to influence Scotland’s policy landscape.,Next policy network event Join the SCVO policy network Joining the network is an exclusive benefit we

Social Security

rebuilding of welfare offered unprecedented opportunities for third sector organisations to help create a new,The Scottish system will include new forms of assistance and a language that is distinct from that of,Rob Gowans, policy officer at Citizens Advice Scotland, said sector involvement was key from the early,Marie Curie and MND Scotland – backed by 20 other organisations - was one of the most effective campaign,We worked together on all aspects of the campaign and across our different departments.

Free Personal Care for Older People

Age Concern Scotland led a lengthy campaign to introduce free personal care for older people in Scotland,for change when the new Scottish Parliament was set up.,The campaign received widespread media coverage.,Free personal care was engrained in Scottish policy, the result of the combined power of democracy, devolution,A Scottish Parliament Health Committee inquiry in 2005 concluded that the policy enabled more people

Abolition of Tuition Fees

manifesto, and secured the pledge as part of their negotiations to join the Labour-led coalition in the new,The GE was scrapped by the SNP government in 2008, following a campaign by NUS Scotland, who are committed,gave up their commitment to abolishing tuition fees but their Scottish counterparts supported the policy,In 2011, more than 4,000 students marched on Holyrood, combined with an NUS-led letter writing campaign,Parliament elections found retaining free tuition for Scottish students was the third most popular policy

Planning for EU Exit (Brexit)

On 24 December 2020, EU and UK negotiators reached an “agreement in principle” on the text of a new “,Through our #EUareValued campaign we are encouraging organisations to ensure their staff, volunteers,The campaign includes regularly updated guides for employers and EU citizens, factsheets, posters and,You can find SCVO blogs, SCVO policy briefings and press releases on Brexit topics here.,More information and policy analysis can be found at the Scottish Centre on European Relations, an independent

#NeverMoreNeeded Resources

coverage tips for charities We recently hosted a webinar with media professionals from Third Force News