The resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and,not only to be part of the Scottish Charity Awards this year, but to win two of the categories (Campaign,of the Year and Digital Citizen).,Therefore, our biggest challenge now is meeting the demands on our free wellbeing services.,people accessing our support we must increase our services to meet demand, which takes additional funding
Our policy team were dedicated to building important relationships with key policy-makers to make sure,through publishing standalone policy papers and reports on funding, including defining Fair Funding,The new #EssentialSector campaign started development, ready to launch in late 2023.,These findings continue to be pivotal in shaping SCVO's policy, digital, communications and support activities,a new service and support for existing device recipients and participating organisations which will
we have: harnessed our Funding Scotland website and networks to share news of funding opportunitiesdelivered,funding to the voluntary sector through our new Coronavirus Funding Hubpartnered in the development,experience Projects & Campaigns An overview of partnership projects and campaigns SCVO has been involved,v=dKwzktQAPUE Digital An update on our work in digital participation, inclusion and evolution This year,Policy Insights into our policy work and how we have worked to support and advocate for the sector We
Of course we have our challenges.,Our policy team were dedicated to building important relationships with key policy-makers to make sure,SCVO policy-driven interactions 20 SCVO policy briefings and consultation responses 7 committee appearances,187 new reports The findings of this research were (and continue to be) pivotal in shaping SCVO's policy,, Third Force News and mainstream news media.
Her work focuses on unpacking the dynamics of privilege and power, fostering new places of belonging,,Along with his brilliant team, Lawrence is highly experienced in developing campaigns that pack a punch,Pam's current courses: Get started with fundraising: building capacity to raise funds and Develop your,She has been delivering iterations of All Things Financial for SCVO for a long time now; financial policies,Working in digital for well over a decade, Ross has trained thousands of charity staff to use digital
for 2023-28 Ambitious for SCVO,ambitious for the voluntary sector Setting the scene As we launch this new,Despite the many challenges, there is cause for optimism.,participate in a healthy democracy, create social justice and enhance the quality of life.,It helps us improve our services and gives us insights to inform our policy and influencing work.,We will promote excellence in governance, digital capacity, diversity and inclusion.
The programme included sessions on the climate crisis, institutional racism, fair funding, digital wellbeing,SCVO’s head of policy, research campaigns, Kirsten Hogg, asked questions of and responded to Nicola Sturgeon,exploring how the Scottish Government can create the conditions that allow the sector to fully participate,makers and the people they make policy for.,authorities and the Scottish Government to tackle the biggest social, economic and environmental challenges
Your support and participation helps to keep the Gathering - the UK's largest event for the voluntary,organisations that are here are the ones who shone through.”Following his address, SCVO’s head of policy,Economy is and the work that WEAll Scotland has been doing, as well as what the key opportunities and challenges,what needs to happen' Building a cash-first future: can we make food banks history in Scotland Campaigners,The #EssentialSector campaign is spearheaded by a group of organisations who believe more needs to be
However, the new Energy Bill Discount Scheme offers significantly reduced support. £18.4bn over 6 months,Rising demand paired with staffing challenges within the sector also increases the risk of exploitation,Sector Tracker results, 30% of organisations rated volunteer shortages as among the three biggest challenges,Another practical barrier to volunteer participation that has become more acute during the current crisis,organisations employ over 135,000 paid staff – a third more than the 100,000 staff employed in the digital