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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO response to Scottish Labour's Policy Forum

Summary SCVO welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Labour Party’s Scottish Policy Forum,SCVO’s written evidence to the committee is also available here.,Economy and Fair Work Committee post-legislative scrutiny of the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014,: in 2024 the Scottish Parliament’s Economy and Fair Work Committee carried out post-legislative scrutiny,SCVO’s written evidence to the Committee is available here.

Cost of living & the #RunningCostsCrisis

Information & advice When your budgets are tight and your future feels uncertain, making sure your policies,collaborative working How to make the most of your funding, and find new sources How to look after your staff Policy,paper on the need for Fair Funding has led the Scottish Government to commit to fairer funding in its Policy,members and voluntary organisations Our SCVO partners provide discounted services and goods to SCVO,Good governance and difficult decision making Rethinking reserves Property options in a post-pandemic


2025/26 will see the new UK government bed in, and preparations begin for Scottish Parliament elections in 2026 and local government elections in 2027. Heading into 2025/26, there are some signs of strain in relationships between the voluntary sector and governments at all levels...

New charity law in Scotland

We'll also outline how SCVO has been involved in influencing this new law, and what we've asked for.,policy and influencing work The 2023 Act, which became legislation last summer, had already been through,a four year journey – and SCVO have been influencing and inputting throughout.,response to the Social Justice & Social Security Committee’s consultation on the bill in February.,In March, SCVO gave evidence to the committee on the bill, and the committee’s report on the bill was

Does Levelling Up have a future?

past twelve months have been busy building new relationships and trying to assess the impact of this policy,A year on from the publication of the Levelling Up White Paper and the UKSPF Prospectus, SCVO continues,A clear commitment to the future of Levelling Up post-2025 is urgently needed to provide certainty for,Importantly, the Finance and Public Administration Committee at the Scottish Parliament has also started,SCVO and the TSI Scotland Network submitted a joint letter to the committee ahead of an evidence session

Review of FOI laws to be held

The Scottish Parliament is due to review Freedom of Information legislation after concerns were made by a third sector-led delegation

Review of National Outcomes 2023 - SCVO response to call for evidence

the heart of Scottish public policy and service delivery… SCVO welcomes the chance to share our thoughts,The Public Audit and Post Legislative Scrutiny Committee also noted in 2019 that "the NPF should explicitly,SCVO welcomes the Finance and Public Administration Committee's recommendation regarding accountability,As part of our recommendations to the Committee, SCVO believes it would be helpful to have guidance relating,About SCVO The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national membership organisation

The Gathering 2023 round-up

Our aims for the Gathering Gathering highlights After the Gathering The Gathering, organised by SCVO,,The chief executive of SCVO, Anna Fowlie, opened the session before Mr Yousaf addressed delegates.,head of policy and research led a Q&A with the First Minister addressing questions submitted by audience,and the voluntary sector can show support for the action we need to see.The recent Climate Change Committee,Go to My SCVO Did you spot yourself or your colleagues in our Gathering photo album?

Call for urgent review of the Freedom of Information Scotland Act

Members of a new network dedicated to open government have highlighted concerns about legislation

Letter to Finance & Public Administration Committee - Replacing EU Structural Funds in Scotland Inquiry

SCVO and TSI Scotland Network submitted a joint letter to the committee ahead of an evidence session,The Levelling Up (LU) agenda remains a key policy across the UK, and we are keen to work closely with,that greater and clearer commitment is needed from the UK Government on the future of Levelling Up post,Alignment with Scotland’s policy direction and the NPF It would be fair to say that most of us in Scotland,Yours Sincerely, Anna Fowlie SCVO Bridie Ashrowan EVOC Lesley Kelly MVA Anthea Coulter CTSI