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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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The Right Approach

The Right Approach.,Page Banner **


Simba takes a deeply personal approach and one of the most important things they offer is a memory box

Right to Roam

campaign to enshrine Scotland’s historic traditions of responsible access – sometimes known as ‘the right,government’s advisers on the countryside, Scottish Natural Heritage, called for an ambitious new approach,January 2003, the Scottish Parliament passed the Land Reform (Scotland) Act, which sets down statutory rights,Scotland’s excellent access rights – together with the Scottish Government’s National Walking Strategy,walkers and landowners is relatively rare, due in no small part to the common sense, bigger picture approach

Guide to developing and advertising a job

The procedure to advertise recruitment can be complicated for employers to approach.,However, getting this process right is essential if a recruitment exercise is to be cost-effective and,attract the right quality of applicants.,Before starting to advertise recruitment, employers should organise and plan their approach, carefully

The way forward

We need a response that provides the right support, at the right time and in the right place.,assessment of your organisation’s digital inclusion maturity In-house sessions to help develop your approach,to embedding digital inclusion Support to develop partnerships and new place-based approaches in your

The three underpinning enablers

contributions in the right places.,We acknowledge an appetite for a more ‘place-based’ approach to digital inclusion in Scotland.,from both the public and voluntary sector are more connected and embarking on a more coordinated approach,A place-based approach can build on this localised approach, harnessing community assets and working,It is important that organisations make the right contributions in the right place.

The roadmap

This underpins the approach we are taking in this roadmap. We want to be bold in our approach.,Being bold also means that we need to take a more nuanced approach, recognising the intrinsic links between,digital exclusion and social inequality, and develop a response that can provide people with the right,Our approach is therefore underpinned by the following considerations: Digital exclusion is both a cause,: Motivation - to be part of the digital world, free from any personal barriers; and Access to the right

Policies and procedures

This section discusses how you can approach a safeguarding policy and processes that are relevant to,Begin by identifying and agreeing on the safeguarding risks you face so you can set the right policies,Weigh up the key risks facing your organisation and then decide how that should influence your approach,Adopt the right policies and procedures Safeguarding policies outline what your organisation will do,Your safeguarding approach should be proportionate and cover all the key risks for the people you work

NTSF Right Track

Right Track has developed a track record in working with disadvantaged young people.,This belief shapes the content of Right Track’s delivery and the approach of their staff.,Track offer a small-step approach supported by weekly goal setting and review.,During lockdown Right Track operated a 7-day week.,Right Track have a lot of young people with very complex needs.