organisation.,of setting up and running a charity, including advice around funding and running costs.,Scotland gives access to up to date, high-quality information on funding opportunities for voluntary organisations,It is free to any organisation in Scotland and lets you search over 1,000 funding opportunities including,More information Funding policy and influencing Running Costs Crisis #EssentialSector Manage your grant
finalists and People's Choice vote Book a place Applying for an award and award categories Key dates for your,We are dedicated to championing voluntary organisations and supporting your work.,the external environment that organisations are working in and the nuts and bolts of running an effective,voluntary organisation in 2025.,Learn more about each of our award categories, key dates and useful information to help you with your
Exclusive membership benefits and support networks A strong community of voluntary organisations of all,future of the voluntary sector in Scotland Meet our members SCVO members are part of a community of organisations,Colin Leslie, communications and marketing manager at Leuchie House who told us all about their organisation,We joined SCVO to be part of a nationally recognised organisation, whose mission is to support, promote,We'd love to share your story.
Know your organisation’s purpose It’s vital as a trustee that you know about what your organisation was,You can find this out by reading your organisation’s governing document.,Get a good induction and meet your fellow trustees You should be able to understand what your organisation,your organisation is and about any potential personal liabilities.,you must always put the interests of your organisation first.
We know how important it is to make sure your organisation is running well.,also know it's a lot to think about - especially if you've got limited resources, are a small organisation,Our templates and guides are there to give you a starting point - you'll need to adapt them to suit your,own organisation and, if necessary, get some advice to make sure they meet all your legal and regulatory
The code’s principles apply equally to all organisations, but how an organisation follows each principle,The Good Governance Checkup asks a series of questions about your organisation and gives you a personalised,Your board can use the online tool to identify areas where you’re doing well, check where you can improve,, and monitor your progress over time.,accountable for the organisation.
think about your next steps and secure your organisation's future.,Our information on running your organisation Now that you’re up and running as a charity, we can offer,lots of support on how you can run your organisation.,board, your trustees, have a vital role in setting the direction of your organisation and making sure,of your organisation There's lots to think about to make sure your charity is working well, and we've