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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Exclusive membership benefits and support networks A strong community of voluntary organisations of all,We joined SCVO to be part of a nationally recognised organisation, whose mission is to support, promote,being responsive, supportive and committed to people affected by cancer in Scotland.,confident in their roles with the charity.,We'd love to share your story.

Information Service

the right structure Talking through SCVO's model constitutions Running your organisation Organisational,development and planning Financial and legal responsibilities Your role as an employer Governance Good,governance and best practice Trustee roles and responsibilities Recruitment and induction We also have,a dedicated HR and employment support service to help you with managing and employing staff.,SCVO members get extra in-depth support

Information for new trustees

Know your organisation’s purpose It’s vital as a trustee that you know about what your organisation was,You can find this out by reading your organisation’s governing document.,Get a good induction and meet your fellow trustees You should be able to understand what your organisation,A good induction will help you understand your role and responsibilities, what the legal structure of,You’re all collectively responsible and accountable for the overall governance of your organisation.

SCVO Trustee Network

Sign up now: Good Governance webinars Our regular Good Governance webinars look at common issues and,If you’re new to your role you may be feeling a little overwhelmed, but we’re here to help with practical,Check out our information on good governance and Our seven steps to help you on your way to becoming,The five modules are a great induction tool and will help you run your organisation.,Black Professionals Scotland supports organisations in meeting their inclusion and diversity ambitions

Responsibilities for safeguarding

Everyone in your organisation has a role to play in safeguarding.,Trustees should: Ensure safeguarding is a key governance priority with adequate resourcing and attention,(e.g. appointing a safeguarding lead) Ensure everyone in the organisation learns about their responsibilities,Senior leaders Senior leaders in your organisation, such as your Chief Executive, Directors, or Managers,recruitment process, ensuring everyone in your team is safe and suitable for their role, including undertaking

Good Governance

Good governance. Trustees have a significant part to play in your organisation.,They are there to oversee and take responsibility for...

Trustees' Week 2021

for playing a vital role, volunteering your time and working together to make important decisions about,your organisation's work.,How good is your organisation's governance?,Use our Good Governance tool now Events With the support of CCLA Investment Management SCVO is hosting,organisation's governance. 3 NOV – Good Governance: lived experience on

You're a charity! What next?

At SCVO, we’re here to support you, promote the contribution your organisation makes and work towards,Our information on running your organisation Now that you’re up and running as a charity, we can offer,lots of support on how you can run your organisation.,SCVO members can access premium content and functionality: Funding Scotland Good governance Your management,board, your trustees, have a vital role in setting the direction of your organisation and making sure

Decision making and governance at your charity

These could be decisions about how the charity runs, who your trustees will be, changes to your charitable,The key choices you must make are: Whether you will have members How you will set up your governing body,your membership benefits or responsibilities.,Our governance pages have more information about the roles and responsibilities of trustees, how to hold,for the running of your charity, and everything it does.

Good Governance: Future proofing for trustees

at our 'Good Governance: Future proofing for trustees' conference in Edinburgh.,good governance in your organisation.,to you and your organisation.,These include: ACOSVO who have a Chairs Network offering peer support, good practice and experience and,In her role, she is responsible for strategic planning, the investment offering and the development of