Cancer Support Scotland We talked to Stephanie Quigley, service manager with Cancer Support Scotland,All the staff at Cancer Support Scotland take advantage of the wonderful training opportunities available,We'd love to share your story.,Cancer Support Scotland We talked to Stephanie Quigley, service manager with Cancer Support Scotland,We'd love to share your story.
Corporate volunteering While financial support from corporate organisations is always welcome; the professional,You might consider offering staff some time off to volunteer – it could provide them with valuable management,Corporate volunteers can donate their time to help manage, shape and guide charities through the coronavirus,Staff fundraising Your staff may not be able to do physical activities like bake sales and marathon runs,with your senior management team.
Know your organisation’s purpose It’s vital as a trustee that you know about what your organisation was,You can find this out by reading your organisation’s governing document.,Get a good induction and meet your fellow trustees You should be able to understand what your organisation,your organisation is and about any potential personal liabilities.,you must always put the interests of your organisation first.
Everyone in your organisation has a role to play in safeguarding.,This section describes the responsibilities of leaders, staff, and volunteers to keep people safe.,Senior leaders Senior leaders in your organisation, such as your Chief Executive, Directors, or Managers,Receive safeguarding concerns connected to your organisation and offer immediate management.,Staff and volunteers Anyone involved in delivering your work and activities, such as staff and volunteers
and staff.,The five modules are a great induction tool and will help you run your organisation.,regional or national organisations – register for Volunteer Zone with Volunteer Scotland to advertise,your trustee opportunities on the Volunteer Scotland national database For organisations wanting the,Black Professionals Scotland supports organisations in meeting their inclusion and diversity ambitions
Making sure everyone who works in your organisation, including employees, trustees and volunteers, have,Safer recruitment Whether it’s staff, trustees or volunteers, anyone joining your organisation should,If your organisation has paid staff or volunteers carrying out regulated work, you need to check their,and your team's ongoing support and supervision.,Seek feedback from a wide range of staff and volunteers.
These could be decisions about how the charity runs, who your trustees will be, changes to your charitable,Members are the people who will have ultimate control over your organisation, even more so than your,Staff, management and volunteers It’s important to remember that the charity Trustees are ultimately,responsible for the running of your charity, and everything it does.,In some charities there will be paid staff or volunteers who carry out the day-to-day activities or work
what the responsibilities are for trustees and management committees.,handbook is for you if you are involved in a village or community hall as: a trustee a member of the management,committee a volunteer a staff member supporter or user of the space who wants to know more.,This guide will help you plan and prioritise your activities, whether you're just starting out or having,We've been grateful to have support of organisations across Scotland, including lots of village and community