It is, of course, SCVO’s position that some of the other proposals put forward are positive and could,Similarly, the Scottish Household Survey 2023 has highlighted that volunteering rates continue to decrease,Whether organisations themselves would attempt to absorb these costs on behalf of volunteers, resulting,point out the additional burdens that will be placed on our organisations is a regular occurrence for SCVO,on Fairer Funding, at a time when Fair Funding is urgently required, continues to ensure that the future
as Saltire Award participants, resulting in over 7,000 Saltire Awards achieved and over 300,000 volunteering,in PA Advocacy annual survey Influential meetings with Deputy First Minister, Cabinet Secretary for,Photos: Lewis Houghton / Making the headlines SCVO's publication Third Force News (TFN) was,. 1,000 articles published 1 million page views Research to shape the future SCVO’s Third Sector Tracker,The importance of projects like Connecting Scotland was brought sharply into focus as a result of the
In 2023/24, our HR policies continued to support flexible and blended working and our staff survey results,In our 2023 staff survey, over 98% of respondents agreed that they would recommend SCVO as a great place,, allowing them to adapt to current and future societal and economic challenges.,publication Third Force News (TFN) is Scotland's only specialist publication for the voluntary sector,Following the Connecting Scotland programme closing for new applications, we developed two new funding
Conducting a joint survey on accessing public procurement with Social Enterprise Scotland.,SCVO recognises its potential in enhancing public procurement in Scotland.,Findings from a recent (September 2023) joint survey of voluntary organisations by SCVO and Social Enterprise,Enhanced and tailored support A recent survey by SCVO and Social Enterprise Scotland found that many,A recent survey by SCVO and Social Enterprise Scotland revealed that the primary reason organisations
The pandemic, inflation, and the resulting cost-of-living and running cost crises have strained sector,running cost crisis has pushed the resilience of voluntary organisations to the limit, 67% of those surveyed,As a result of short-term funding, voluntary organisations frequently issue redundancy notices.,, followed by Covid 19, inflation and the resulting cost-of-living and running costs crises have put,Wave five of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker found: 10% of organisations are uncertain about their future
also include data relating to voluntary sector employers, gathered through the Annual Population Survey,, Labour Force Survey, and Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings.,strategies claim alignment with the NPF, such as the recent publication "Equality, opportunity, community: New,For example, civil servants mentioned that the NPF is no longer emphasised in the induction packs for new,, only mandates Scottish ministers to consult on, develop, and publish a new NPF every five years.
About Scotland’s voluntary sector Scotland’s voluntary sector plays a central role in achieving the three,- 5% of the Scotland’s workforce.,recognising that these will both offer greater transparency on the impact of annual budget decisions on future,of the Scottish Third Sector Tracker suggest that 10% of organisations are uncertain about their future,viability. 67% of those surveyed reported financial challenges, while 39% found it difficult to plan