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Membership directory
Scottish Badgers (SCIO)
- Membership number 4459
- Charity registered in Scotland SC034297
Scottish Badgers brings together individuals and groups from across Scotland to promote the study, conservation and protection of Scotland’s badgers, their setts and natural habitats. The organisation's aims and objectives are:A) To promote, for the benefit of the public, the study, conservation and protection of badgers in Scotland, their setts and natural habitat.B) To further the above, by educating the public in all aspects of the study of badgers, their habitats and conservation, and through such education to encourage tolerance and appreciation of, and respect for, all animal life which is a common heritage of the people of Scotland.C) To offer guidance, information and advice to the membership of the organisation.D) To offer specialist information, guidance and advice to the general public and to specific interested parties, be they government agencies or specialist conservation bodies.
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