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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Nelson Mandela Scottish Memorial Foundation

  • Membership number 6987
  • Charity registered in Scotland SC047067

Our primary focus in these early years has been on raising the funds for a permanent memorial to Nelson Mandela, to be erected in Nelson Mandela Place, Glasgow, which was a focal point of Scottish support for the anti-racist struggle in apartheid South Africa, as the location of the consulate of the apartheid Government. Since half a statue would have little point, we have had to concentrate on doing this properly. Both during this fundraising stage, and into the indefinite future, we see the statue as a visual aid in a very public place for disseminating information and raising awareness of the history of Mandela and of the anti-apartheid struggle, and the lessons of both for the ongoing struggle everywhere for human rights, equality and racial harmony.As demonstrated on our website, the fundraising process itself has necessarily involved a great deal of spreading of information about this history, through short videos and articles in a variety of publications. We also commissioned WOSDEC to produce a resource pack for schools - When Mandela Danced in the Square - which directly links the history with basic anti-racist education. This has been very well received, and is currently being updated and augmented with new material about current work in anti-racist education and about Scotland's historic connection with slavery. We have an ongoing relationship with the archives section at Glasgow Caledonian University where the records and papers of the Anti-Apartheid Movement in Scotland are held, mostly supplied by current members of our Board, and hope to be able to assist in the digitisation of these to make them more accessible. They are already used quite frequently by researchers of all kinds.Our intention when the statue is completed is to have signage at the site to direct all who may be intrigued by the statue to further information online, in an organised form.


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