Welcome to all the organisations that have joined SCVO recently. You can find out more about them below:
Joined SCVO on 27 March
Formed in 2022, our objectives are to educate, promote and connect the local communities with the African Caribbean Asian and Mixed Heritage communities. We want to promote, encourage, embrace and celebrate the uniqueness of Equality, Diversity, Equity, Acceptance and Belonging through cultural events, music, education, seminars and workshops.
Joined SCVO on 27 March
Working with disabled people and the formal and informal systems that support them, we have been breaking down barriers and delivering innovation in the arts for 40 years.We support an open dialogue in the arts that build supportive spaces where we listen, share ideas,encouraging each other to grow our confidence and self-worth as we work together.Our creative practice promotes shared learning. We foster welcoming environments where we bothcelebrate and respect diversity and where taking part in creative activities provides new ways oflooking at our lives. This offers exciting new ways of experiencing and understanding the worldaround us and possibility for shared action to make positive changes.Over the years, we’ve come to know the many challenges that disabled people face. We are led bydisabled people themselves, and we work with them, their families, carers, and others incommunities, education, health, and social care. Together, we can explore the potential in creativitybrings. As a result, we all benefit from the new possibilities that this brings. Art making is where thereal magic happens, and where we learn new ways of understanding each other.Our mission is to create inclusive communities where everyone feels valued and empowered tothrive. We believe that the arts have the power to transform lives and break down barriers, andwe’re dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of disabled people and the widercommunity. We work with:• Neurodiverse young people who don’t fit the traditional school mould.• People who experience enduring mental health challenges, looking for creative ways toensure their inclusion in their communities.• People with complex physical and intellectual disabilities, who are often excluded fromcultural activities.• Older people with dementia and their families,• People in long-term institutional care, cut off from their communities• People with sensory impairments who struggle to access the arts.We would like to stress that many of the people with whom we work fall into more than one of theabove categories.We operate across Edinburgh and the Lothians, but we also collaborate with people andorganisations nationwide and internationally. This includes renowned artists, cultural institutions,and educational organisations.
Joined SCVO on 27 March
Provides a space for the local community in Blainslie; the committee runs regular events and the hall (equipped with a full kitchen) is available for hire to all. Regular hires include yoga classes, dance classes, playgroup and hosting elections.
Joined SCVO on 27 March
We are a church based in Possilpark with the majority of our members living in the local area. We run a non-profit community cafe 2 days a week which provides training opportunities for young people. We have a community garden and run various activities throughout the week.
Joined SCVO on 27 March
Environmental Arts and Action specialises in educational performance and art about the environment and health.
Joined SCVO on 27 March
Harbour Ayrshire is a dymanic charity working across Ayrshire to support our the most vulnerable people in the most disadvantaged communities who are impacted by drug and alcohol addiction.Our lived experience staff and volunteers provide a person centred approach aimed at reducing the rate of addiction related deaths, keeping families together, building stronger and more resilient communities and reducing the strain on public services.
Joined SCVO on 27 March
Input 1. Preparation for work - a skills development programme for people with additional needs.2. Refurbishment of computers by trainees - people who attend or have attended the skills development programme.3. Distribution of refurbished digital equipment within the communities in which we operate.4. Provision of short slots of digital training by our trainees for those we have supplied digital equipment to. This helps them to develop their digital skills, abilities, and confidence.We help to support the community through our project of distribution and digital support. We are assisted by volunteers to help deliver the project and enhance the digital skills of those who need it. The contributions of our volunteers greatly improve the skills and confidence of our trainees as well as contributing to the health and wellbeing of the volunteers. Volunteering provides those who assist us with a great deal of satisfaction and a sense of support and citizenship within the community.
Joined SCVO on 27 March
North Highland Initiative (NHI) is a non-profit organisation established in 2005 as a direct result of His Majesty King Charles III’s commitment to support the people and businesses of the North Highlands.Today our goals remain the same, to help grow and champion the potential of our natural resources and talent in order to encourage economic stability and build diverse resilient communities.NHI focuses on supporting and funding community building, food and farming, education, conservation and tourism. It collaborates with local businesses, organisations, and individuals to foster innovation, create employment, and enhance the quality of life for the people living in this unique and beautiful part of Scotland.
Joined SCVO on 27 March
We are a coastal Rowing club, St Ayles skiff. we have social rows throughout the year, and also compete in coastal rowing regatta events in the Highland area.
Joined SCVO on 26 March
Prevention and relief of poverty
Joined SCVO on 26 March
The Iona Community is an international, ecumenical Christian movement working for justice and peace, the rebuilding of community and the renewal of worship.Our Community was founded in Glasgow in 1938 by Rev George MacLeod. A visionary and a social reformer, MacLeod was driven by a belief that faith is grounded in action. In rebuilding the ruined accommodation at Iona Abbey, trainee ministers and unemployed workers lived, worked and worshipped together.We are now about 280 Members and more than 2,000 Associate Members, Young Adults and Friends across the world. We remain true to that founding vision – sharing common work and community as we pursue justice and peace, in Scotland and beyond.
Joined SCVO on 26 March
We exist to help care experienced people and their wider community use their voice to change the care system and work around them. Essentially we help people talk, and we help people listen. We are a grassroots charity founded by members of the care community in 2020 who were frustrated by the lack of ways Scotland was seeking to empower and uplift those it had cared for.
Joined SCVO on 25 March
Professional touring theatre company delivering variety shows in dementia care settings; providing theatre training to adults in areas of social and economic disadvantage and deprivation; participatory theatre involving people with dementia.
Joined SCVO on 25 March
As a charity our aim is for the prevention or relief of poverty within our community through community learning opportunities, through workshops; training and social engagement. We also plan and deliver recreational facilities and activities with the object of improving the conditions of life for the residents whom the charity is primarily intended.Ultimately, we aim to provide our immediate community the opportunity for advancement in their education to boost confidence and provide the tools for life.
Joined SCVO on 25 March
We are a new organisation, a CIC and pending charity registration. We aim to promote and provide psychoanalytic help and treatment for children, young people and adults and to provide opportunities for professionals and frontline workers, and the local community. We aim to advance health and mental well being in an area that is scarce in resource and high in need.
Joined SCVO on 25 March
Our community is for LGBTQ+ people to practice more accessible yoga in a group setting. We are a team of community yoga teachers who believe we should all feel safe, welcomed and celebrated through our yoga practice. We run 5 weekly donation based classes in Edinburgh. These follow a 60 minute gentle movement practice, followed by around 30 minutes for (optional) tea and a chat. We also host retreats, organise social meet ups and attend events.
Joined SCVO on 25 March
Scenic Sandbank is a community-led organisation dedicated to enhancing the lives of local residents by developing sustainable projects that bring people together. We create inclusive spaces, such as the Scenic Sandbank Community Garden and we work together with the Oakbank Community Inn project to promote well being, social connection, and economic growth. Through events, volunteering, and local initiatives, we support environmental sustainability, tackle social isolation, and strengthen our community for future generations. Plus the development of a community garden in the centre of the village.
Joined SCVO on 25 March
First formed in 1897 and incorporating a Junior Section, the club has been in continuous operation ever since. The object of the club is to promote and foster the game of association football in the town of Kirkcudbright and the surrounding district. The club consists of committee members, office bearers, coaching and playing staff, and match day helpers, all of whom are volunteers. There are no paid employees. We provide casual football, coaching, and opportunities to play in registered competitive league and cup football, for age groups ranging from 3-year-old Mini-Kickers up to our Walking Footballers, between 50 and close to 70 years of age
Joined SCVO on 25 March
We provide free outdoor education provision for young children and families aiming to give them a best possible start in life while provide support for young parents.Through partnerships with local schools we provide multi-sport activities during curricular time and extra-curricular clubs to give additional physical activity provision improving our youths mental and physical wellbeing.Being in a rural area many of of our community are faced with geographical and transport barriers, through our rural hubs in partnership with the local authority groups we deliver rural multi-sport and educational hubs.
Joined SCVO on 25 March
We are a Community Council covering the West End of Edinburgh.