Practical governance problems and how to solve them
Turcan Connell
- Day
- Wednesday 8 November
- Time slot
This event took place over 1 year ago
- Room
Ochil suite
Wheelchair accessible - Contact
- Rose Younger
- Topics
- Running your organisation Governance and legal
- Overall aim
The aim of this workshop is to provide practical examples and guidance for trustee boards, with a view to creating discussion on how trustees can use legal and governance tools to tackle the real life problems they may face.
- Description
Using real client cases from the past year, we will show how legal frameworks can aid trustee boards in managing various governance and risk issues, providing lessons learned and practical examples. Each case report will deal with different aspects of governance, decision-making and trustees legal duties. We will show how each client handled their individual issue, using legal advice and framework to tackle the matters, with careful consideration for the charity’s best interest.
- Who was the event aimed at?
- Who spoke at this event?
- Debbie McIlwraith Cameron (Senior Associate), David Smith (Senior Solicitor), Rose Younger (Solicitor)