Funding heritage projects
Historic Environment Scotland
- Day
- Tuesday 4 February
- Time slot
This event took place about 2 months ago
- Room
Sidlaw suite
Wheelchair accessible - Contact
Heather Macnaughton
0131 668 8600 - Topics
- Environment Finance, funding and fundraising Arts, culture and sport
- Overall aim
To raise awareness of the funding available to value, care for and sustain heritage in Scotland.
- Description
Understanding and valuing our heritage is important for people and communities now and for future generations. This session will provide participants with a better understanding of the historic environment and provide some tools and resources which may be useful to develop ideas. The three main heritage funding organisations, Historic Environment Scotland, National Lottery Heritage Fund and the Architectural Heritage Fund will provide an overview of their priorities and funding programmes including examples of the types of projects that have been supported in the past. There will be an opportunity for questions to the panel of speakers at the end.
- Who was the event aimed at?
- Who spoke at this event?
- Susan O'Connor - Head of Grants, Historic Environment Scotland
Diane Gray - Head of Engagement, National Lottery Heritage Fund
Gordon Barr - Development Manager, The Architectural Heritage Fund