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Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

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Keeping the promise - halfway to 2030

The Oversight Board for the promise

Wednesday 5 February
Time slot
This event took place about 2 months ago
Sidlaw suite
Wheelchair accessible
Morag Burnett
Health and social care Families and communities
Overall aim
  • To update on the story of progress Scotland has made towards keeping the promise made to care experience children and young people, that they will grow up loved, safe and respected
  • To give an overview of the key finding of the latest report from The Oversight Board, whose role it is to hold Scotland to account for keeping the promise by 2030
  • To hear about what still needs to be done over the next five years
  • To find out more about Plan 24-30, the route map for keeping the promise and how this can help those working in the ‘care system’
  • To mark the half way point since Scotland made the promise, in February 2020

This session will mark the half way point since Scotland made the promise to care experience children and young people, that they will grow up loved, safe and respected. The promise was made following the conclusion of the Independent Care Review.

On February 5th, exactly five years since the promise was made, The Oversight Board, whose role it is to hold Scotland to account for keeping the promise, will publish their latest report, Report THREE.

This session will give people the first opportunity to hear the key finding from this report, with presentations from The Oversight Board reflecting on progress in key areas, including workplaces, whole family support and the care community’s views of progress.

After reflecting on where we have got to so far, Fiona Duncan, Independent Strategic Advisor, the promise, will present on what still needs to be done to be able to keep the promise by 2030.

Fiona, who was also the chair of the Independent Care Review, will talk about Plan 24-30, Scotland’s route map to keeping the promise, looking at how the plan can be used as a tool to help those working in the ‘care system’ to plan and deliver the changes needed.

There will also be space for questions and discussion.

Who was the event aimed at?

Directors, frontline service delivery managers, project/line managers, and development/education officers

Who spoke at this event?
Fiona Duncan - Independent Strategic Advisor, the promise
Fraser McKinlay - chief executive of The Promise Scotland
David Anderson - chair of The Oversight Board for the promise
Lorraine Moore - member of The Oversight Board for the promise
Oisin King - member of The Oversight Board for the promise
Ryan McShane - member of The Oversight Board for the promise
Brought to you by
Platinum sponsor
Keegan & Pennykid
Gold sponsors
Aspen People
Utility Aid
Social Enterprise Scotland
Volunteer Scotland
Local host partner