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Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

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How can we meaningfully involve children and young people?

The National Lottery Community Fund

Tuesday 4 February
Time slot
This event took place about 2 months ago
Moorfoot suite
Wheelchair accessible
Rachel Mathers
Families and communities Finance, funding and fundraising Equalities and human rights
Overall aim

• To explore how the new Young Start programme could support and enable organisations to meaningfully involve children and young people in their work• To explore how the new Young Start programme might centre children and young people’s voices in what they fund and how they fund it


Over the years The National Lottery Community Fund has revised and refined the Young Start funding programme, ensuring that it keeps its ethos of helping children and young people reach their full potential. Now, we want to do more. We have started a two year development project to refresh the programme. A core part of the refresh is to find ways to centre children and young people's voices in the work, so their thoughts and experiences are front and centre. Taking a test and learn approach, the team are finding ways to shift the power closer to those who are experts by experience; the children and young people of Scotland.

The Young Start Development Team will host a round table session at The Gathering this year, and welcome you to collaborate with us. Are you interested in participatory practice with children and young people? Would you like to input into the development of our new funding programme?

In a relaxed and informal setting we will imagine what next might look like, and invite you to come and imagine with us.

Who was the event aimed at?

Frontline service delivery

Who spoke at this event?
Young Start Development Team members Rachel Mathers & Richard Cook
Brought to you by
Platinum sponsor
Keegan & Pennykid
Gold sponsors
Aspen People
Utility Aid
Social Enterprise Scotland
Volunteer Scotland
Local host partner