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Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

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Climate chat - everyday climate action

Outside the Box

Wednesday 5 February
Time slot
This event took place about 2 months ago
Harris suite
Wheelchair accessible
Louise Wilson
Environment Families and communities Equalities and human rights
Overall aim

This session shares stories and lived experience of everyday climate action and explores:

  • Ways to include people and communities in climate action
  • Reframing issues to reduce stigma, widen the discussion, include more people, and seek a broader set of alternatives and solutions
  • Connecting human rights to climate action and the right to a healthy environment

Climate change affects everyone, but we don’t always know what to do or how our everyday actions stack up to make a difference. Last year, with Scottish Government funding we worked alongside seldom heard groups and people and we discovered a real interest and desire to get involved from people who are not normally included in climate action work. We worked with older people in remote rural communities, people with learning disabilities, and people from New Scots and LGBTQ+ communities. Many people were worried about rising costs around food, energy and heating, and replacing plastics. They had good ideas for saving energy, reusing and repurposing, and ways to share the ideas and impacts with others. This session shares stories and lived experience of everyday climate action and explores -

  • Ways to include people and communities in climate action
  • Reframing issues to reduce stigma, widen the discussion, include more people, and seek a broader set of alternatives and solutions
  • Connecting human rights to climate action and the right to a healthy environment

Outside the Box is an independent charity working across Scotland with people and communities who want to make their community work better for everyone. Our work is underpinned by equalities and human rights principles. Everyone wants to contribute and has something to offer.

Who was the event aimed at?

Frontline service delivery

Who spoke at this event?
Outside the Box staff team
Brought to you by
Platinum sponsor
Keegan & Pennykid
Gold sponsors
Aspen People
Utility Aid
Social Enterprise Scotland
Volunteer Scotland
Local host partner