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Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

Tuesday 4 & Wednesday 5 February
EICC, Edinburgh

Wednesday 5 March

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Understanding the economic impact of gender-based violence in Scotland

GEMAP, Financially Included Project

Tuesday 4 February
Time slot
This event took place about 2 months ago
Tinto suite
Wheelchair accessible
Amber Cully
Families and communities Equalities and human rights
Overall aim
  • Increase awareness of economic abuse as a form of gender-based violence
  • Raise awareness about economic abuse as a critical and often overlooked form of gender-based violence, emphasising its prevalence and the profound, often hidden, impact it has on women’s lives
  • Provide insight into the economic impact of gender-based violence on women
  • Share insights into our work funded by the Scottish Government's Delivering Equally Safe fund, including key data, findings, and areas where advocacy and campaigns are needed to drive change and improve outcomes for women
  • Encourage reflection on how women you support may be affected
  • Inspire reflection on how the women you support, or those your organisation is funded to assist, may be impacted by economic abuse. Encourage practical steps to help identify and address this issue within your support work, ensuring that it’s a central consideration in your services
  • Showcase our training to better support victim-survivors
  • Highlight the specialised training and resources available to professionals, equipping them to recognise, respond to, and address economic abuse effectively

Financially Included are hosting a round table event aimed at frontline staff, management and senior decision makers.

This interactive session will give attendees an overview of economic abuse and how all forms of gender-based violence impact women and their ability to thrive economically.

We will play the tower of life game, which is a tool we use to demonstrate the fragility of our lives and how coercion and restriction can have devastating impacts.

We will share some of our findings over the last few years and show how the work we do has such strong links to women's and children's poverty.

We will end the event by asking attendees to make their own pledge as to how they will consider these issues in relation to their work in the future.

Who was the event aimed at?

Frontline service delivery

Who spoke at this event?
Amber Cully, Project Manager, Financially Included
Lizzy Wilson, Training and Engagement Officer, Financially Included
Brought to you by
Platinum sponsor
Keegan & Pennykid
Gold sponsors
Aspen People
Utility Aid
Social Enterprise Scotland
Volunteer Scotland
Local host partner